Chapter 17 Heart of the Mountain
“Alright,” Felix the hedgehog began. All the candidates seem to have arrived through the portals. I’ll explain how this rung works shortly.”

The liaisons had transported the boys and girls into what appeared to be inside a cave. They stood in a narrow, winding tunnel with dingy stone walls surrounding them. It was dark, but Felix had conjured an orb of light with magic.

“Do not be alarmed,” the hedgehog insisted. “We are in the heart of Filo mountain and closer to the summit than earlier. If any candidate feels uncomfortable or has trouble breathing, let me know. We will portal you right back. However, remember that would be considered a forfeit from the contest.”

The candidates nodded. The contests were getting weirder.

“What sort of test will you conduct here?” Blaze asked. He was so tall that his head almost touched the tunnel’s roof.

“In the last rung, we tested whether you could re-ignite love through your words. In this one, we’ll test if you can resist love.”

The ca
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