
"Xuan Ye, how are you?" The shocked Ziyu suddenly came to Xuan Ye's body, and circled around Xuan Ye's body three times. Fatty was entrusted by Lu Wenfeng, Hongyu and the others to see to Xuan Ye's safety. If something went wrong, Fatty would be blamed for it.

Fatty who had already completed his mission brought Xuan Ye just before the teleportation circle, but suddenly heard the voice of Fei shouting from all directions, and was shocked, and ran back with Xuan Ye immediately. This happened after that.

Seeing Fatty circle around him several times, Xuan Ye couldn't help blinking and said, "Brother Fat, I don't feel anything special, I don't seem to be injured."

Fatty stopped when he heard the words, patted his chest and said. "Oh, I was scared to death, as long as it's okay, what happened to the Dragon Demon Emperor just now? It disappeared, where did this guy go? What happened to the light that surrounded you at the end?"

Afterwards, Fatty couldn't help but looked up and down the c
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