A Cool Dog

Emmy's mom drove to the nearest infirmary; getting to the teleporter station, she was transported to the nearest street to an infirmary and as she drove through the street, a tall building could be seen standing tall at the heart of the street, it was about six hundred story building painted in white. Driving towards the building, the large gate opened widely and she quickly zoomed in.

Two AI bot in white robe had come out of the building and a metallic gurney could be seen moving behind them. They quickly got to work as they both pull the man out of the car, lying him on the gurney with his back facing the sky. One of the bot twisted its hand a few times in a strange way and coming out of its chest was a metallic tool box, and they have quickly got to work, bringing out a tiny scissors-like tool, they used it to torn the man's clothe off before they started injecting different liquid in his body. The gurney was moving on its own as the two bots were working on the man.

An older man in his early 60's came out of the building and a young woman was by his side with some strange wireless devices connected from her mouth to her ears. The man also had something connected to his ears and as the lady got to the bots, they stopped working and she brought out circular device from her robe, she placed it on the man and after a few minutes she removed it before walking back to the older doctor and showed him the result.

"I'm sorry to say this." The doctor said as he moves towards Emmy's mom. "Your husband cannot walk again, after running a few tests on him, we discovered that his spinal cord is damaged."

"I knew that his spine was damaged before I brought him here, I only brought him here for a solution so don't tell me there's nothing you could do to heal him." Emmy's mom replied with tears all over her face.

"You should know that there's no heal to a damaged spine, but the only thing we could do is to make him go through project B4." The doctor said.

"Project B4? He, he, won't be able to have sexual intercourse." She shouted.

"Honey, if you can allow me get revenge on that bastard, then I'm happy to go through it." The man said slowly as his body was becoming numb.

"Dred, are you sure?" She asked.

"Don't worry dear." Dred replied.

"Okay, take him in and let's get to work." The young lady said and the bot pushed the gurney into the building.


Emmy could be seen walking out of the teleporter circle with Jone by his side, he's wearing a black hood. He had washed his body and changed his dress to a black hood.

"Hey, come here." One of the guards called out as Emmy walked out of the circle. "What are you looking for; you miss your way home?" The guard asked. He had gone through the portal more than four times now, because he doesn't know where to go. He was just going from one street to another, and the guard have noticed him use the main portal for about five times now.

"Me?" He asked, which the guard had gave him a fierce look. "Huh, I was looking for a vet house, I want to get some treatment for my dog." Emmy replied. The man looked at the Jone for a few seconds and he could see blood on its leg.

"But you aren't a stranger here, so you should know that the nearest veterinarian is a few metre away from Lindsay Academy." The guard said.

"Oh thanks, I just got a lot on mind." Emmy replied as he started walking off.

"A kid like you having a lot on mind? It's night already, aren't you going to take a bus?" The guard called out.

"I have no money." Emmy replied. 'Crap, I even forgot to take the remaining money dad left for me. I can't go back home because she might be back already.' He thought.

"Don't worry." The man said, and the bus that came out of the circle stopped for him to enter.

'This man is nicely sending me to my grave.' Emmy thought as he walked towards the bus.

Getting close to a bus like this was something he never thought he would do at this stage of his life, not to talk of getting inside. The sleek polished metallic exterior of the bus glister under the sun, the window of the bus was fortified with reinforced glass that was unable to be damaged, even if a fight was to break out in the bus.

Getting inside the bus, his mouth was left wide opened with what he could see in his sight, it was quite the awesome sight to see. The interior of the bus gleamed with modernity, sleek metallic surfaces and glass panels giving it a futuristic, almost sci-fic appeal.

The window that the glass seemed tinted outside was displaying a clear view of the outside for the passengers. The sound of the engine was silent and the only sound that could be heard was a cool background soundtrack to the hushed conversations of the passengers. Spacious, ergonomic seats offered comfort and luxury with a settling sense, while softly glowing LED light bathed the interior in a warm, welcoming ambiance.

Emmy had stayed in the same position for more than five minutes looking at the awesome sight and the other passengers were looking at him.

"What's wrong with him." A young girl asked her mom. "He's been staying there for some minutes now."

"Can't you tell; this is his first time entering a bus, so he was looking at the sight." Her mother replied.

"Hey man, there's an empty seat at the back, you should sit there." A man that just entered said to him and he had snapped out of his daze, he quickly walked to the back seat.

Sitting on the comfy seat, Jone laid on the floor, Emmy looked up and he could see a digital display boards flashed route information and upcoming stops. The number of people in the bus was also displayed on the boards, there were 67 passengers on the bus and as the bus stopped, four more people entered, making it 71. Looking up, he quickly covered his face with the hood and brought his head down a little bit as he could see a familiar face on the bus.

'They are first year senior class students, I bumped into them on my way home yesterday and now I'm still meeting them in the bus.' He thought. Because entering the bus were four first year senior class students, they're also among those who bully him, and their own rules for him is to always prostrate for them anytime they meet and they will step on him.

One of the boys sat beside him and the other three moved to the empty seat in front of him, they were all browsing the net on their mobile phone.

The phone was a small flat rectangular device, once it's turned on, the screen will be displayed midair in front of them, it will be shown like a window display. The wireframe of the screen could be seen be other people but the content and what the person is doing will not be displayed, they would only see it when the owner of the phone wants them to. There are different models and version of phone they used with different design.

The boy sat beside him and he turned his phone off as he saw Jone lying there.

"Oh, what a cool dog." The boy asked Emmy who was already shaking. "It's yours, I guess."

"Yes." Emmy replied immediately.

"What's its name." He asked.

"Huh, Jone." Emmy replied.

"Cool name, do you mind if I take a selfie with your dog?" The boy said.

"No problem." Emmy replied with his voice shaky. The boy has also noticed it.

'What's wrong with him.' He thought, but don't mind.

"Hey Don, what do you see that you're this happy." One of the boys at the front asked without looking back.

"A cool dog, I saw a cool dog." Don replied as he snapped Jone with him.

"Is that why you're happy, huh." The boy at the front said.

"Your dog is cool and gentle, what's your name." Don asked Emmy. There was about seven minutes' silence after Don asked his name.

"Huh? Can you hear me, I said what's your name?" Don asked again.

"Oh, sorry for that, I'm John." Emmy said without turning his said.

"Nice to meet you John, my name is Don." Don said with his hand stretched out expecting a handshake, but Emmy don't even look his way.

"Nice to meet you too, I think I need to get down now." Emmy said as he stood up and started moving towards the door.

'What a weird boy.' Don thought.

Emmy move quickly heading for the nearest pole in the bus to give a signal that he's coming down, but he stopped dead track as he was looking at a message.

[New Quest Received]

[Be brave and move back to your seat, till you get to the destination that was registered for you on board]

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