Countdown Begins, Three Months

The next morning Emmy woke up, took his bathe as usual and continued his daily basis for the day. Today is Sunday so he's not going to school, before doing his daily quest and training he took one refreshing snack, it's cool to live like one of those rich kids.

He had a few important things to do today, he needs to get a personal football for himself, one of the main reasons he attacked the boy yesterday and will still do the same for others to learn their lesson. After getting a personal football, he'll start learning and perfecting the combined skill of Shadow Move and Tiger Strike.

But before all of that, Emmy wanted to train as hard as he could before it's dusk especially with weapons, because his target tonight is way stronger and a fierce fighter than the idiot he fought yesterday. So, he had to prepare himself for any possible outcome.

Emmy trained aggressively till evening, slowly, he's mastering the moves of the adults in the video he captured in the training room. Some of th
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