Souls Of Change
Souls Of Change
Author: JWB_Kante
Emmy Krane

Cheers could be heard coming from a large tower like stadium that was beaming with different colors of light, the sound of joy and cheers of people could be heard all over the city. Rays of different light were flashing through the city and the city vibes song was booming energetically. Cars moving midair had stopped, holographic of the match that was about to unfold could be seen display all over the city and some were watching it from their resident.

In the stadium itself, a particular name could be heard among the audience, it was as if they all came to watch this person as they keep screaming his name and waving yellow flag with big EMMY embedded on it.

"Emmy Krane."

"Emmy Krane."

"Emmy Krane."

"Emmy Krane."

Standing at the centre of the field with his team mate, was a man named Emmy Krane. A 186cm tall young man with a bright glowing skin and golden long hair that was glowing brightly with his skin, he had a yellow band on his hair and a pair of crossed silver ear ring piercing his ears.

He had yellow jersey on, like his teammates, while on the other side, they all had a deep green jersey with black stripes all over it. A large number 10 was on the back on his jersey while Emmy was written above it.

The referee blew his whistle signaling for the match to begin, blew its whistle rather, because it was an AI bot referee.

Some of the players wearing black at the other side had a displeasing look on their face.

"Let's go for the champs." Emmy said.


This is Emmy Krane, the one who the audience couldn't stop shouting his name, the one who the whole citizen of his state left whatever they were doing to watch his match, the only footballer who his opponents shiver upon seeing him.

This young man can be described as a trash at the beginning of his journey, his early life was nothing but a mess with parent neglect and community discrimination, he ran errands for his peers in school and got bullied, and always got ignored by the teachers whenever he tried to report.

So how did this trash become a popular footballer who is known all over the world, how did he become the person who the world couldn't stop shouting his name, how did he become the one who his nation put their trust in to win the national cup for them, how did he put fear on his opponent.

Let's go back to the beginning and learn of these things.


"Hey dumpling, come get lunch for us." A boy shouted from behind, he's a tall slim boy with a long tiny eye and straight red hair, he was sitting at the back of the class with his leg on the desk.

The class was a huge one, about 10sqm large, and a few feet tall, the display on the wall could be seen changing every minute, it was showing different types of ancient art work. The white board stands at the front like it was hovering midair but it was actually rested on the front wall.

About thirty students in white uniform with light blue trouser and skirt could be seen in the class, they were all of the same age, both male and female, some were playing, some were reading while some were watching videos and streaming the net on their smart phone.

They were all senior school students, and their second year in the senior school. The senior school is always three years and the same could be said to the junior, this particular class is the Senior Class 2B (SC2B)

As the boy at the back said those words, a blonde boy with light brown hair who was sitting at the left beside the window quickly got up and ran over to him, he was reading his book before, but as he heard those words, he quickly ran over to the boy.

"I'm here." Emmy said.

"Should I repeat myself?" The boy at the back questioned him.

Emmy didn't say anything and just turn around, then going from table to table, they started gathering money for him, almost all the students had given him money, he didn't go to all the students in the class because this is not his first time doing this and he knew those that don't give him money to buy food for them.

About ten minutes later, Emmy could be seen pushing a large mechanical carrier with different package of food inside, sweat was running down his face as he struggles pushing it. Normally, the carrier always moves on its own, and only a few buttons will be pressed on it, but this particular one had been disconnected by the students in his class, just to suffer him. The carrier is always used to deliver food for student.

Entering the class, he moves to the back to deliver food to the red-haired boy who had called him earlier, and after that he started sharing it to those who had given him money earlier. The boy at the back was the only one who didn't give him money but received food. He served the same food to every one of them but the boy at the back got Moussaka instead of the Paella that everyone else eat.

This is what Emmy do for his classmates every lunch time in school, he always work as a slave for them, getting food for them, running errands for them, giving them answers in exam hall and get bullied every day after school time and there's nothing he could do, he couldn't fight back or report them to the teachers because the teachers will also call him a trash.

This was because every other student in the school possessed an ability from their family bloodline, but Emmy has no ability so they referred him to trash.

There was a time when he was in the third-year junior class, he had fought back then, and in the process, he had delivered a grave injury to the other boy. The boy is a level 2 ability user, he was in class with Emmy and also the class president.

In Green City, there's a practice that's common among every leaders and higher ups in the city, and that is someone below them doing better than they do. It really hurts their pride, and they will do anything in their power to bring that person down. The students also took this practice from the adults, especially in Lindsay high school. Although, the students don't care about intelligent, they only focus of going to the next class and improving their strength. But that can't be said for the Class president who's supposed to be the best in the room when it comes to intelligent and strength.

The boy torn Emmy's result sheet because Emmy got higher mark than him in the exam, so he torn his result sheet saying he had cheated during the exam. Emmy had let rage consumed him and using the tip of his pen, he threw a strong blow with it towards the boy's neck which had him lose blood and passed out.

Emmy was arrested and given a grave punishment, he used all his time in the junior school to serve punishment, they requested for him to call his parent but his mom had denied him of being her son. The boy was unable to come back to school not because he couldn't recover the injury, but he was ashamed of being injured by a no-ability trash and he knew the kind of humiliation he will get from other students, so he decided to transfer to another school.

Emmy served punishment for seven months and since then, he had decided not to fight back and always watch while they bully him and do all sorts of things to him.

Getting to the senior class was a hell for him, he regrets the decision of not fighting back because he had become the school trash, he knew if had kept fighting back, he wouldn't be treated like a trash. He had made many reports to the teachers but they don't care, because in this society, nobody care of intelligent, if you're smart and intelligent but you have no ability, you'll be at the bottom of the chain, only when you have a great connection with high ability user that you can rise up.

In Emmy's case, his father is a high ability user but his mother had no ability and also lived a messed life growing up, but meeting his father was a blessing to her. His father is a great researcher and his ability helps him to analyze things, and with this ability and his own scientific knowledge, he had gained a high position in the society and always travel all around the world representing his state, Lagos State.

Emmy rarely see his father but any time his father come home; he treats him better but his mother treats him with no difference as the people around him. Always denying him of being her son. Emmy had asked his mother once that; while she was little, did her parents always neglect her like how she's doing to him. But she replied him with beating.

He always had the confident to say his mind, regardless of who the person might be, but that confidence had disappeared the day he injured the boy in his junior class and got arrested. He asked the cop in charge of his case that; is it a crime to fight back, is self-defense a crime, is the cops doing their work diligently by punishing someone who tried to defend himself.

This was his question to the cops that day, and the punishment he received after saying those words, he couldn't forget it in his entire life.

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