Two Weeks

He received two different rewards in two different occasions today, or is it five different rewards?

One is for completing his main quest which he was given two rewards while the second is for defending himself from the three boys that attacked him, he was promised three rewards for this and now it's time to go through them.

[You have successfully defended yourself]

[Reward have been granted]



It seems he got 5 EXP for each opponent he defeated.

[You have leveled up]

[1AP have been granted for level up]

[You're now level 2]

"Finally, first level up."

Emmy is now a level two Amateur, this is his first leveled up since he got the system, he still doesn't know when he would breakthrough into a Rookie but he knew he still have a long way to go.

He currently had 65 EXP which means he needed 35 EXP to level up again but looking at his EXP now, it has changed.

Before it was...

[55/100 EXP]

But now it's...

[65/120 EXP]

"Huh does this thing increase anytime I level
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