'How? How did I get in here?'

Emmy woke up in the middle of the night and found himself in the room of the uncompleted building, Jone was also with him lying at the entrance of the door and keeping an eye on his master at the same time. The dog was not sleeping.

'Was it Jone that took me in?'

Dumbfounded, he made his mind traveled back to the start of the event, he remembered clearly how he got football in the convenient store and then bumped into Caleb and his two friends. He was attack and tried to fight back. He didn't even last five minutes before he was taken down and Caleb started wiping him with an ancient chain until he passed out.

But before he passed out, he remembered that the last stroke that was supposed to hit him was somehow interrupted by some screams that only lasted for a dozen seconds before everything went silence.

'I also saw a figure.'

He didn't know but he could swear that he saw a vague figure in front of him before he passed out, the figure was different from
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