Chapter 14

After the confrontation, Alex and Samira walked in silence for a while, the weight of what had just happened hanging heavy between them. The rush of energy from the amulet had settled, but Alex could still feel its presence pulsing softly under his shirt, a reminder that things were far from normal now.

Finally, Samira broke the silence. “Alex, you just took on Victor like it was nothing. Yesterday, you weren’t even sure what happened, and now… this?” Her voice was filled with a mix of awe and concern. “You’ve changed.”

Alex nodded, feeling the truth of her words. “I know. I don’t understand it, Samira. It’s like... something woke up inside me when Victor knocked me out fews days back. The amulet, it’s connected to everything. I think it’s my mom’s doing.”

Samira looked down at the amulet. “You mean the one your grandma gave you? The one from your mom?”

“Yeah,” Alex said, glancing down at the small, ancient-looking charm hanging around his neck. “It’s more than just a gift. I can feel
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