Chapter 42

It had been brewing for days. The tension between Alex and Victor was palpable, and everyone at school knew it. Ever since Alex had returned, Victor had been simmering with jealousy and frustration. No one could rival his strength while Alex was away, but now that Alex had returned, things were different. Victor’s reign as the most feared and powerful student was being challenged, and it didn’t sit well with him.

The final confrontation happened on a Friday afternoon, just as the school was about to let out for the weekend. The cafeteria was packed, students milling about in groups, some eating, others chatting. Samira and Alex had just found a table near the back when Victor stormed in, flanked by Jake and Emily, his loyal followers. His eyes zeroed in on Alex like a predator spotting its prey.

"You’ve got a lot of nerve coming back here like you own the place," Victor spat, loud enough for the entire room to hear. The murmurs of conversation died down as heads turned to watch the un
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