Chapter 7

For a moment, there was nothing—only darkness, cold and all-encompassing. But then, in the midst of the void, there was a light. It started as a flicker, a tiny spark in the distance, but it grew brighter and brighter until it was all Alex could see.

The light was warm, comforting, and it seemed to envelop him, wrapping around them like a blanket. But it wasn’t just light; it was a presence, something that felt alive, something that was speaking to him, though not with words. It was more like a feeling, an understanding that went beyond language.

As the light grew stronger, Alex felt something stirring deep within him, something ancient and powerful. It was as though a door had been opened inside him, one that had been locked for years, and now, all the knowledge and power that had been hidden away was rushing back, flooding his mind.

Images flashed before his eyes—memories that weren’t his own. He saw his mother, young and strong, practicing martial arts in a sunlit courtyard. He saw her wielding the same amulet that now lay against his chest, using it to channel energy, to heal, to fight. He saw her standing against enemies that were both human and not, protecting their family, their lineage and the world at large.

And then, he saw her final moments—fighting against overwhelming odds, her face set in determination, even as she knew she wouldn’t survive. She had been protecting them, protecting the amulet, sacrificing herself so that they might live.

But there was more. As the images continued to flow, Alex felt the amulet begin to pulse, its energy merging with his own. He felt a surge of power, a strength that he had never known, coursing through his veins. It was as though the amulet was unlocking something inside him, something that had always been there, just waiting to be awakened.

And then, as suddenly as it had begun, the light faded, and Alex was thrust back into the world of the living. But he was not the same.

When Alex’s eyes fluttered open, the hallway was empty, the sounds of the school distant and muted. The pain that had once coursed through his body was gone, replaced by a strange sense of calm, of clarity. He pushed himself, his movements smooth, effortless, and for a moment, he just stood there, marveling at how different everything felt.

But as he looked down, he saw the blood—dark and sticky, pooling beneath his head where he had fallen. And there, nestled in the middle of the blood, was the amulet, glowing with a soft, pulsing light.

Alex reached out, his hand trembling slightly as he touched the amulet. The moment his fingers brushed against it, the world around him seemed to shift. It was as though he could see everything with a new clarity, could sense the flow of energy around him, the currents of life that pulsed through every living thing.

But there was something else, too. A memory, one that wasn’t his own, but felt as though it had always been a part of him. He could see his grandmother, standing in the middle of the living room, facing down a group of shadowy figures. He could feel her fear, her determination, as she fought.

Without a second thought, Alex turned and ran, his feet pounding against the floor as he sprinted down the hallway. He didn’t know how he knew, but he was certain—something was happening, something terrible, and he had to get home.

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