37. It Takes Effort To Talk To Her

Detective Anna knows that she has to be professional. While at work, she must be able to focus and try to find new clues to the murder case she is handling, but she can't lie if the personal problems she is dealing with are so painful that her focus is quite blurred.

Detective Anna never imagined that her relationship with her boyfriend would take this path. And since he left her house, they haven't spoken. She doesn't know what their relationship is now. Thinking about it was so difficult and made her head bang. Have they broken up? Was it just a short break, like what her boyfriend wanted?

This all had to be discussed again. A point of clarity must be found. If left hanging without being discussed, Detective Anna feared that she would never calm down again. Indeed, she was confused by what was on her boyfriend's mind, not usually he acted like this. His character seemed to change. Indeed, she admits that lately she rarely meets with her boyfriend, even calling is rare. Even if they
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