40. Her Advice Is Very Effective

"Come in, detective." Mr. Lockwood welcomed Detective Anna with excitement and happiness. His smile widened. Detective Anna was his hope, so she was precious to him.

Detective Anna nodded and smiled politely. Her feet began to step inside Mr. Lockwood's house after the door was opened wide.

"I'm glad you're here again. Let's sit down, I happen to have something I'd like to discuss with you."

Detective Anna said, "What is it, Mr. Lockwood?" She looked at the man in front of her with interest. She had taken off the jacket she was wearing and placed it on the head of the couch.

"I took your advice, detective." Mr. Lockwood's face lit up. A smile refused to disappear from his lips.

Detective Anna had certainly guessed what Mr. Lockwood meant. She had prepared the words on the tip of her tongue, but just as she was about to reveal them, Mr. Lockwood suddenly spoke first.

"I brought in a psychiatrist for my wife, just like you told me."

"Oh, that's good news. How is your wife now?"

"She's g
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