Chapter 20

Finally, after what seemed like such a long ass time, the bell indicating the last class rang annoyingly. I immediately raced out of the class and back to my room.

I took off all of my clothes and took a much needed bath. I was visibly relaxed after my bath. I quickly got dressed in my regular male attire because anyone could come in at any time.

I grabbed the TV remote off the shelf and clicked it on. A random movie was airing so I decided to watch it. Everywhere and everything was relaxing until the door opened noisily, loud fits of laughter following afterwards. 

I turned to the sound in annoyance and Lionel walked in casually with three other guys. I've got to admit though, they were really hot.

"Ber– Bryan," Lionel stretched out, quickly correcting himself. "Guys, this is Bryan. Bryan, this is Jacob, Tyrell and Gabe." He pointed to each one of them who waved as he called their names

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