Chapter 37

“She started talking about– umm– Ali and I got mad but before I could react, she slapped me. TWICE at that. I was calm with the first slap I swear, but theeeeeen she just HAD to go and slap me a second time. 

I don’t take being hit very well, so yeah. I made her face a little bit uglier. She should thank me though. Her ugliness was soooo unbalanced.” I told him with a serious face.

He looked at me for a minute before he started laughing, “So, you punched her in the face?”

“Well, yeah. What else was I supposed to do?” I asked confusedly.

“Slap her back?” He suggested questioningly.

I walked over to him and set my hand on his shoulder sympathetically and shook my head in disappointment, 

“Derricknardo. Can I call you Derricknardo? Sure I can. But yeah, nobody slaps these days. If

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