Chapter 53

“Hehe, he.” He laughed sarcastically and pulled Jasmine in front of him

“It’s not a bad thing.” I laughed

He glared at me and wrapped his arms around Jasmine, “I’m taken.”

I gagged, “Ewww! Like I would want you! Derrick is more ripped than you are.”

Derrick laughed, “Sure.”

I glared knowing he was right. Derrick was buff but not as buff as Derrick.

“Yeah, why’d you stop us?” A guy asked Limey

“She’s the Uniter.” Limey stated

They gasped and turned to me, “Nu-uh!”

“Look at her arm,” Limey said

Their eyes went to my arm and they gasped again. I looked down at my arm. I didn’t see anything but my birthmark.


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