Chapter 128

As a prestigious hotel, only the very rich people dared to enter Hotel Crimson and they were easily noticeable by the kind of clothes they wore, the accessories they carried, and even the cologne they wore.

For a wealthy person, everything had to be designer, nothing else would suffice and the staff of Hotel Crimson had gotten used to that.

This was why when Ethan walked in with Anna, he was immediately seen as a man who didn't belong and no middle-class pauper would be able to afford even the cheapest rooms in their establishment.

“Are you sure you aren't in the wrong building?” The receptionist inquired, dropping all formalities as she addressed Ethan rudely.

Ethan shook his head. “This is Hotel Crimson, right?”

“Indeed it is.”

“Then I believe I am in the right place.”

“I don't think so.” The receptionist insisted, her eyes filled with contempt.

Meanwhile, those who were enjoying themselves around the vicinity began to notice the commotion at the reception with most commenting on i
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