Chapter 156

Raising a brow, Mr. Cherish remarked. “I don't understand.”

Letitia smiled as she explained. “This man right here tried to stop me from seeing you, claiming that because he was first in line, he should go in first.”

Ethan stayed silent, watching to see just how far Letitia was planning to push things.

It would determine how far he would push things when it got to his turn to retaliate.

“So a fool that doesn't know his place.” Mr. Cherish remarked as he glanced at Ethan, his gaze filled with contempt.

“I believe I wasn't wrong to demand that Miss Letitia stay in line like everyone else. I didn't realize that the embassy acted with preference.”

Mr. Cherish snorted. “If you want to be treated the same, then make money, till then, shut your mouth and stop trying to make trouble for yourself.”

“Oh no, he has already made trouble and I would like to see him punished,” Letitia remarked before adding. “So, Mr. Cherish, I want you to ensure that this man isn't attended to until I say otherwise
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