Chapter 166

Ethan laughed out loud, causing Falcon's expression to grow even more sour as he had the desire to cut him into tiny pieces.

Unfortunately, he couldn't do so, at least not in the hotel but Falcon swore in his heart that he would teach Ethan a lesson should he dare to step outside after the auction.

If he didn't teach the bastard a lesson, then his name wasn't Don Falcon!

“Why the fuck are you laughing!?” Falcon questioned after he was unable to hold back any longer.

Ethan smirked. “Just amused at how myopic your thinking is. I mean, just because you can't fathom more money than 121 million doesn't mean every other person can't. See what I mean about being a frog in a well?”

“Shut the fuck up!” Falcon scolded with Ethan chuckling.

“You were the one that asked me why I was laughing.”

Falcon gritted his teeth as he realized that a word match with Ethan would end in his defeat, so he had no choice but to back down but that didn't mean he was going to let Leilani escape his grasp so easil
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