Stuck in my Game World.
Stuck in my Game World.
Author: Goodluck Ernest.
1. Where am I?

Mr Chase Stevens, the owner of a famous game programming company walked into the programming hall from his office. His numerous staff were seriously focused on their work with their computer system, when he called aloud, "Mr Eric."

"Sir," Eric Claus stood from his desk. He was in his mid thirties, thirty five to be precise and he was the manager of the company but he would love to join in the programming of the fun games, also because part of the development programs of the games were his ideas; he would have to put some of the new staff through, directing them on what to do to enhance the gameplay.

"I need you in my office right now, let's have a word." Chase said as he turned back in the direction where he came from.

"You now know what to do." Eric said to the new kid whom he was putting through some things and then went after his boss to the office.

As he came in, Chase was already seated so he said to him, "Please have your seat."

He sat down as he was told. He was not curious about anything because he was on good terms with his boss. Both of them were cooperating very well to see that the company maintained its position as the best in the country.

Then Chase stated the purpose for calling him, saying, "I called you because of that new game you told me about. I want you to tell me about the program so that we can start planning towards it."

It was just as he had thought, "The game will be a role playing game in a mystical world with mythical creatures. The main aim of the characters should be opposing these creatures, defending a city or more, and protecting the people of a kingdom."

"That is to say the main character will be playing the role of a king, prince, warrior, knight or magician, am I right?"


"That will be awesome. So have you thought of what creatures you would like to bring into your game?"

"Ummm, not yet. I'm still putting that into consideration. The work is still in process. I just decided to tell you about it so as to know what you'll say concerning it."

"It will be a good game. I am already beginning to picture the world. Just finish up with the story line and get back to me."

"Sure, I will," He just finished and hadn't left the office when his cell phone rang. "Oh, it's my sister. Am I allowed to pick this?"

"Sure. We are done," Chase answered him. He was not expecting Eric to ask him such a question. He took the company as though it belonged to the both of them, since it would not have been a success if not for his wonderful and amazing ideas. He only had resources while Eric was the brain. He had even told Eric to stop addressing him as boss but Eric insisted and he could not influence that decision.

"Thank you sir," Eric picks the call as he leaves the office to speak with his sister Lauren Claus. "Hello."

"Hello bro. I'm shocked at school right now, I don't think I will make it to pick Jodie today, so I wanted to ask if you are free."

"Sure." He replied but was still anxious to know what had got her stock at school. "Hope all is well? What is going on?"

"Yes, all is fine. I was selected amongst those that will be going to the teaching hospital today for practice."

"Alright. Please stay safe." He was now at ease that she was not facing any challenge. Then he returns back to Chase's office to tell him that he will be leaving to pick up his seven years old daughter from school. His wife was late, so he was living with his daughter, Jodie and his twenty three years old sister who was still in college studying medicine.

Chase had no reason to stop him from picking his daughter from school, so Eric was allowed to leave the company for his daughter's school.

While on his way, the brake of his car failed and he crashed into a moving truck which was on high speed. The front of the car was completely damaged and he was badly injured.

Soon the health personnel came to take him away from the accident scene down to the hospital where he would be treated, and the news of the accident spread very fast as the journalists were not slacking in their duties.

All the needful was done to save him but in the end he was lost to the world: thereby going into a coma of which the doctors could not predict whether he would return or not.


Now, the sun was rising after a very heavy storm, for it had rained all through the night to the breaking of a new day in a mystical world.

Due to the brightening of the sky and the sunlight that shone on Eric Claus, he opened his eyes only to find himself lying on the bare ground in an unfamiliar environment. It was not like the regular world which he knew, it was as though he had gone thousands of years into the past. The environment he found himself was just like the one he was designing for his new game, only that this one was very real.

He stood to his feet and tried to take a few steps towards the building which was before, but then he staggered and fell back to the ground. He could feel pains all over his body and then he had some flashes of the accident which he had. The injuries on his body were still fresh and he was still wearing the cloth which he wore on the day of the accident.

So a lot of thoughts came into his mind, as he asked himself a series of questions. "Where am I? What is this place? Why am I here?"

Since he was asking those questions to himself, there was no way he could answer them, so he thought of screaming for him, since there was a building ahead so that the inhabitants of the house would come out to his aid. But as he tried calling for help, he noticed that his voice was faint, so there was no way the person in the house would hear him, if at all there was any.

Thus, all he could do was to lie there as he waited for a miracle to happen while he found some words to console himself as he repeated them to himself. "This is not real. This can't be real. I am dreaming. Yes, this is a dream and I will wake up very soon." Then he closed his eyes and passed out again.

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