Chapter 14 (part 1)

Chapter 14

Crunch. Crunch sounds the munching. Slopping dark red blood spray across the night sky into the pavement, making pollock spots onto blank dirty grey canvases. Gross sounds of moans overpowered the groans of pain. Though dark the night is, every sound and the possible makeshift light source becomes eerier and livid with the ethereal sound of pain born from pleasure.

Many across the city are deep in either sexual incite or validating dominance and hierarchy through extreme exploits of brutality. Undulating physical activities were not lacking the night of the second incident. Citizens showing symptoms of high fever grew until no one could confirm if they were sick or delusional enough to sink into a coma.

Outside of their marginal expectation, based on the first unrecorded A-city “Dimension Pocket” incident, this second incident and its intended area of effect measured to the border of the city. Proven only throug

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