Chapter 14 (part 4)

“Copy. Our team will go ahead to second.” Captain replied and continued to inform them of other necessary plan markers.

Since they had twenty minutes, part of the radio-in is an update from Abin. Something to occupy their time of preparation on their side and a short break for Cristian’s.

As opposed to the plan Cristian thought, the team intended for their group to split. Having their location near but distanced enough to act as a decoy.

According to Abin, they are in a place suitably without danger after passing through one area where the Primers were hounding a different group of humans. They witnessed it the same way Cristian’s party did, but they could not stay to help. The same as them, they had prioritized themselves.

Their moment of rest brought Cristian a pain to focus, more specifically to maintain their two patients in sedation. Slowly they showed signs moving around their tight bind.

“Pyko, are there any sed

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