Chapter 17 (part 1)

Chapter 17

Watery eyes made Min-Ain blink several times, a way for him to retain the little strength he got from drinking the energy drinks he ordered through the concierge. The hotel avoids canned products that are suspiciously low in quality. If a resident insisted on it, they would recommend their own or a different way to keep their wakefulness. Alas, Min-Ain preferred the convenience store type.

Living in the suite had not given him the impression of luxury, just the pure bliss of skipping steps in life. Chores have been part of his routine back in his old life, and even here, he would continue doing so. He did things even if he knew he could just let the hotel do it for him. Nothing from the upgrade he received stopped him from fixing his things or putting his dirty laundry or dishes in their rightful place for him to clean.

Seeing the maids roam the room to do the menial jobs was nothing for Min-Ain. At least their existence th

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