Chapter 18 (part 1)

Chapter 18

Sunrise is a sight to behold in the city, surrounded by skyscrapers of varying heights. Each one beholds the light from the East and spreads them across the sky, contrasting the dim interior lights of the ones who reside on the ground compared to those living on higher floors.

The tint of red overflows and colors the skies into a lighter violet that becomes blue, signifying a new day, but it hasn't happened yet. Rays of sunlight have not peeked through the nooks in between structures. At the hour this scenario takes place, comfortable darkness still wrapped each life due to the coming dawn.

Bustling business lessened at this point of the day and working hours of the graveyard shift. For these works at this hour of work, they’re excited to escape to the comforts of their bed, excitedly awaiting the ambrosia of rest.

Amidst the sea of silence, blanketed by mid-wake, a black car passed through the streets and arri

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