Chapter 28 (part 3)

Results don’t always give a sense of excitement inside Reina’s crusty old self, at least the satisfying amount of conclusive studies make her day, but the email Akyl sent about a level of reaction to four specific wavelengths brought a sparkle in her eyes. It prompted her to quickly review the report in a blink, drinking all she could. She ended up thinking about all the possible why and hows that can be used as food for thought.

Though this is only a tentative result, she’s positive it would be a great deal of progress if they continue with their pursuit, thus Reina suggested Akyl and the duo Min-Ain and Cristian converse about the effective changes if there will be on the four Wavelengths and what manner they should be focusing on. That way, any other unnecessary goals will be promptly eliminated to make their lives easier in managing theories and results.

She knew there were more annoying papers to manage as a head of her department,

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