Chapter 33 (part 4)

Dr. Munar and Belle greeted each other like old men in a bar, standing up and shaking hands and staying still in place while conversing with each other about relevant stuff regarding political strife. At least that’s how it sounds to Bernice as she stood up beside Belle and had her hug and greeting with the doctor. They stayed there for full three long minutes before the doctor said, “well, we better go to the hospital for a final check-up. She’s going to have her first logging process in the government database for her body’s condition. Not the most pleasant thing to hear about, but it’s required to become a citizen.”

“Ah,” Belle said as he smirked. “Don’t be bothered when they stick a needle at this part of your neck.” He pointed to his neck and Bernice unconsciously touched hers. “It’s a myth when they say they’ll inject you with a microchip without permission, but if you don&

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