Chapter 35 (part 4)

Trust managed to press all the areas that ground Betts gears into higher points of pleasure, even if she was half asleep from all this, it didn’t stop her from moaning and expressing her bliss through her mewling sounds. Escaping from her lips were gasps and subtle twitches of her shoulder as he grazed her vagina’s walls as if the head of his dick nuzzled her curves within.

Lubricated to the point he could tell that he was slipping with ease, despite measurable having his cock caress her, he wanted to hear her scream the same way she does when she fucks him awake. But now that he’s languidly inside and near her body, he noticed that her muscles and parts of her body are reacting and sore.

Having this sense of multitasking attention doesn’t bode well, even if he could keep his mind continuously controlling his actions to play his part like a well-oiled machine, he couldn’t stop himself from worrying. Enough that his heart stumbles from its footing when he felt a tender lump on the side
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