Chapter 7 (part 1)

Chapter 7

Everything starts with a pin drop. Thrown, haphazardly, in a stack of hay outside the “titular” barn.

Surrounded by multiple similar stacks of hay, you give a condition. Like, a reward, where you leave your hands clean of hunting down the thin, pointy thing in the multiple stacks of hay.

People desperate for this pin but found themselves unable to look for them pay you to locate this imitation of a pin.

Above is the vague descriptive feeling each member of the Good Will has to the mission at hand. No, there was no ill-will to read between the lines.

Just weak and hopeless importance to the job at hand, planted into them by the situation none of them created at will. Sure, they disguise their motivation by succumbing to the greed of seeking money and knowledge, but at a cost, none can assess. Much like an elephant in the room.

The mission brief simplified their operation by describing their goal a

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