
Hi, Nate here :)

Seems like the novels getting longer by the chapter and the end is not nigh but struggling afloat. That's why to all those who passed by to read or tried reading my story, thank you.

*bow deeply*

You may not comment or say anything untoward to the story, but I do appreciate and hope you enjoyed it.

Following through this story has gone through some unexpected turns. From trying to justify the lack of romance to f*ck it and let the lack of common sense become THE mentality and psychology.

The fact that I did a bit of shortcut for the characters to meet again is quite unoriginal and almost too slow burn, but it comes with the territory of world building.

Either way, a hint that the coming arch would be about Horaz and most of the experiments. So, buckling up for some mild violence and gore needs to be fore warned. It's not as inhumane as one would think, but it is sometimes my hidden pleasure to draw out words just to say "its gross," "it hurts," and "i don't want this anymore."



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