Beast God: Sucked Back Into The Book ( II )

Destructive shockwaves were sent out from the impact of the strike. The sound of the collision reached them and almost made their ears bleed.

Miss Moraya conjured a barrier made out of roots that shielded her from the shockwaves.

Prince Naveen and Princess Emilia utilized their own ways to block the force. Prince Naveen created a wall of metal, and Princess Emilia made a wall of ice.

A loud scream of pain resounded from within the dome and it wasn't Nux's voice, so it definitely was his Beast Soul.

They weren't in the right state of mind to realize that Beast Souls couldn't show emotions like pain even when they were at the point of death.

Mr Nicole who had caused this, rained down attacks on the barrier with his club. The loud ringing sounds caused the air to vibrate and reach far distances, the commoners who had gone far away from the altar heard the loud noises and believed that a battle was taking place.

It was a norm for some awakened to loose control of their Beast Souls and a
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