Fallen Knight

Stunned were everyone who witnessed the whole scene, their surprise wasn't due to the Beast Soul awakening which was spectacular, but something else, and while Nux was wondering how everything happened, those around him were discussing something serious.

"Wasn't that a Fallen Knight?!!" A boy with freckles asked while pointing with a shaky finger.

"We can't be so sure." Another replied. "If we want to know, we will have to ask Scarlett herse..."

"That sure is a Fallen Knight, I've read about them from ancient writings." A boy with glasses interrupted and pushed up his glasses slightly.

"Hmm...typical nerd." Nux murmured and moved closer to him, knowing fully well that he was about to flaunt his knowledge. He had dealt with this kind of people from his world, so he knew how they behaved. Praise their knowledge one second and BOOM!!, they start giving more than asked.

"First of all, let me explain what and who a Fallen Knight is, for those who don't know who they are." The nerd said coolly, causing some to sigh and roll their eyes, while the rest cursed him silently. Who didn't know who a Fallen Knight was!! Even Nux did, he just had to search the memories of the body he inhabitated and he'll get the answers.

The boy ignored their displeased expressions and began to speak like some history teacher.

"A Fallen Knight is a member of one of the few races who were subjugated by The Plague, they originally were a race of beings superior to we humans, and due to their notion that with Great Power, there must come Great Responsibilities, their most powerful Knights were sent to fight The Plague to help our warriors, even though the Plague would actually never reach their realm."

"They were able to push back The Plague, but most warriors were lost and all the Knights of that race were infected. So it became a battle between us, and the Knights and warriors who were infected, we have come to know them as the Fallen Knights, or the Fallen Warriors." He ended and took a deep breath.

"Now how do I know that's a Fallen Knight? Well, the signature look of the Fallen is their armour that is as red as blood and their eyes that is as dark as night, the real color of their races armour is a bright white and gold, a stark contrast to their now nightmarish look."

The nerd bowed his slightly. "Thank you for listening to me. Any questions?" He asked, but by the time he raised his head, everyone was looking away and ignoring him, as if they hadn't just milked him off his knowledge.

"Lowly thieves." He muttered and looked away, clearly pissed.

A few minutes had gone by while the boy was explaining, Scarlett had used that chance to escape with her parents, not wanting to speak with anyone.

Nux was satisfied with the answers given by the nerd, but a new question had arisen.

'Beast?...Soul?' He scratched his head. 'Will they just ignore the fact that she just awakened the dead member of another race? Or do they consider all other races that aren't humans to be beasts? If so, does that mean it's a norm to awaken another race as a Beast Soul?' Nux sighed.

'I should stop thinking too much or I might just get old faster.'

He watched as the third youth was reaching the altar and placing his hands on the Skull of Hades. 'This will take a while, might as well find a place to sit.'

Though Nux wasn't among the last, he still was still far back in the line and his turn might come a few hours later.



The sun was doing its wonders and thoroughly frying anyone who dared stay too long under it. People could be seen fanning themselves with large thick leaves or hiding under shades.

Nux sat up from his chair, there were some around him, but most were empty. The chairs were given to the youths to wait their turn, but some were just too excited to sit in place for even a few seconds. One second they were sitting calmly, and the next, they were somewhere doing some crazy shit.

Nux seemed to have lost interest in the once beautiful and mind blowing scene of the awakening, now, he was bored to death. Though not for long.


"That old man sure does know how to shout." Nux said as he jumped to his feets and walked towards the altar where the grey haired man smiled at him just like he did to others.

"Place your hands on the skull." Nux stared at the skull, feeling like something was staring deeply into his soul. He glanced behind him at Mr Nicole and Miss Moraya who were standing a few meters behind. Mr Nicole smiled at him with thumbs raised, and he returned the gesture.

He inched his hands close to the skull's fore head, removing all thoughts he had and focused.


Nux cringed at the statement, he had heard it so many times today, he was feeling like it was a cliche statement already, though he banished that thought out of his mind and focused on the strange feeling he was having.

He felt weightless all of a sudden, the euphoric sensation gave him goosebumps and he didn't know when he began to levitate.

His sky-blue hair that was packed neatly behind him was loosened, they undulated and moved through the air like tiny snakes.

Nux felt a subtle connection with the skull, and then a bright white light was seen coming from his chest. He had his eyes closed throughout the whole process, but he was somehow still seeing it happen.

Outside his perception range, Mr Nicole and Miss Moraya were watching him, they had faces filled with hope, they didn't want him to turn out to be a Null –those who didn't awaken a beast Soul– because he was the only one who could avenge his father and save his mother.

Soon a book began to form from the lights in his chest, making Mr Nicole sigh, his tension was relieving.

"Ohh... it's big." Miss Moraya commented.

"Size doesn't matter, his talent will determine if he can bring out the full potential of his Beast Soul." Mr Nicole said with a smile. "Though he's got just that."

As they waited for Nux's blue Soul Book to be fully formed, darkness suddenly decended in the gathering, the burning sun was no more, all sounds were dulled and their sight was taken away from them.

A predatory feeling far more dreadful than anything they had ever encountered, descended on them and made them all fall on their faces.


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