The Capital

Nux put on his clothing, a blue shirt and black trousers with blue boots.

Mr Nicole seemed to know what fit him because he came out looking extra handsome. His silky smooth blue hair cascaded down his back and reached his waist. Although it was tied back with one of Miss Moraya's root like rope, its beauty was still visible to all.

Nux walked side by side with Miss Moraya, trying his best to avoid Mr Nicole who was still clearly mad at his earlier action.

They walked through the streets that were bustling with people moving about.

Mother's walked with their children in their hands as they pointed excitedly at different things that greatly resembled toys from his world.

Fathers had their kids sitting on their shoulders and their wives smiling charmingly by their side. Miss Moraya was smiling too, though for a reason he wasn't sure of.

As he walked, memories of the body he resided in surfaced and he remembered 'his' childhood, how he and his parents spent the holidays in the capital, buying stuffs and playing all manner of games, or sometimes visiting friends in other kingdoms.

The memories brought a smile to his face and he smiled.

The era they were in in this world, was torn in between slight development in technology, and ancient cultures and religions, those religions though, were worshipping gods of elements.

It wasn't a rare occurrence to see a people dressed like ancient Monks or Samurais, while using a device similar to a phone. The sight made it look like it was a festival where they dressed like whatever they wanted.

Music was playing far away, making the air livelier and looking more like a festival.

Though there was a celebration going on for those who were about to awaken, it was a way of celebrating them when they successfully awakened.

Nux walked while looking around, forgetting that he had those two by his side. Mr Nicole soon had his frown dissipate at the sight of a Moko Jumbie performing mind blowing dance steps with his stilts.

Mr Nicole didn't know when he began to laugh heartily totally ignoring those around him, Miss Moraya had her smile widen too, and for a second, Miss Moraya and Mr Nicole's face looked like his parents. Nux smiled.

At the heart of the capital, there stood a large magnificent castle, even from where he was, he could see the intricate and wild designs carved onto its surfaces.

The roofs curved upward at the edges like a Chinese building, and at the top, there was a flag with two swords clashing, one blue, and the other, red.

There were gargoyles of terrifying beasts on its sides roaring to the skies, and the castle was painted in a brilliant white with some areas on it having either blue or red painting on it.

He could make out the shape of a giant golden gate and guards standing imposingly by its sides, ready to cut down anyone who trespassed.

Mr Nicole led them to a place filled with people, there were many youths like Nux who came with their parents, probably for their awakening, or to witness the awakening of others.

Nux followed Mr Nicole to a stand and took a number, he was lucky to be among the first so he won't be waiting for long.

Soon, there was a march past, and the voice of a warrior on a scary green skinned Beast, tore through the air.


The warrior repeated the words a couple of times, and Nux could see everyone going down on their right knee and placing their right hands on the ground.

A grand carriage, surrounded on all sides by warriors on the same green skinned Beast, moved gracefully between the cleared streets.

The wood used to make it was dark, with some silver metal plating covering some areas. There were carved images of beautiful and monstrous creatures on it, and flowers tucked behind that released an enticing fragance.

"Prince Naveen!" Nux said as he peeked and saw through the curtains, who was coming.

Prince Naveen, the prince who was meant to receive the Infinity Gauntlet, was here. Nux knew straight away that he had come to get what was rightfully his.

He felt his heart race and the cogs in his mind spin rapidly. If Prince Naveen actually came to the awakening ceremony, did that mean that he knew that Nux was here and came for him personally?

'Why didn't I just die then? At least I wouldn't have to suffer, but wait, what happened to the gauntlet? Mr Nicole and Miss Moraya didn't talk about it, and I didn't see it either.' Nux secretly glanced at them.

Mr Nicole gave him a stern look, meaning that he should stay still. Nux obeyed and kept his head down.

The Prince in his carriage passed without causing a scene, the carriage was parked in a corner, but the area was cleared and unofficially the Prince's grounds. No one dared walk in a ten meters radius around it.

'If I memory serves, in an anime, story or manga, there should be some plot twist regarding the gauntlets, hehehe, I'm getting some protagonist vibes here.' Nux thought with a slight giggle.


An hour later, another carriage much grander than Prince Naveen's, moved through the crowd, this time though, everyone was cheering frantically and throwing flowers.

This was Princess Emilia, the princess of the kingdom.

The carriage parked excatly in front of Prince Naveen's carriage, a blatant disrespect to him.

Naturally, Princess Emilia should have parked beside his carriage to give him some respect and show that they were equal, but she didn't and instead blocked his view unceremoniously. Everyone expected some drama to occur, but Prince Naveen didn't cause a scene.

Even with the bad attitude he was known for, he didn't dare do anything to the Princess in her turf.

No one might know, but Princess Emilia and Prince Naveen were enemies and hated each other's guts, so they always tried to one up the other.

Nux relaxed a little, Prince Naveen hadn't made a move yet, whether he was just biding time and waiting for the perfect opportunity or not, he didn't look like he was going to confront him soon.

Nux walked around to relieve his stress. Worrying wasn't really a good thing. However, no sonner had he taken some steps when he heard a loud voice reverberate through out the whole gathering.

"The moment you have all been waitng for us here. Come one come all, TO GET YOUR BEAST SOULS AWAKENED!!!

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