The Limitless Sea Academy

Nux bid his farewells to Mr Nicole and Miss Moraya, he was feeling a bit guilty for leaving them after all what they had done for him, but he knew that it was inevitable, he was going to leave them sooner or later to venture and find out the secrets of this world.

So with an unwilling heart, he sat in the carriage and watched as the Pegasuses ran along the cobblestoned path and took to the sky.


Within the confines of the carriage, Nux sat back on the cushioned chair while thinking about his future plans, Mei Mei sat exactly across him as she eyed him curiously.

"So, Nux." She started, to gain his attention. "Tell me about yourself."

Nux eyed her warily, still not wanting to have anything to do with her. He had chosen her academy as the first so he could get what he wanted and forget about her for the rest of his life.

"Myself? Why do you want to know?" Nux asked. It wasn't a must for her to know anything about him, he was a student, and that was the only thing that matter
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