Chapter 3

The evening meeting ended with dinner together at a long, luxurious table. They looked happy, but not Karina's family. The face that was already too embarrassed could only bow its head. 

"I'm embarrassed!" said Eri after they got into the car. 

Their vehicle was less pleasant and luxurious than the other Grayson family members. Arguably, it was the ugliest among the rest. Even though their family was well-respected in the city, they were still the most backward part of the Grayson family. 

Arriving home, Eri tossed her bag carelessly. She ruffled at the waist. The glint in her eyes indicated that she was still furious. 

"Where's that useless dust? I have to teach him a lesson!" Jake's voice boomed. 

"Looks like he's still on the road. he came home on foot because he had no money." Karina told it like it was. 

"You bastard! That husband of yours crossed my face in front of everyone! My pride is at stake," Jake snapped. He kicked the innocent sofa to his right. 

Karina massaged her forehead. This wasn't the second or third time they had gotten angry over Dustin. Thousands of times, being humiliated in front of the Grayson family was no surprise. But in front of prominent figures, it was the biggest humiliation for their family. And it was all because of Dustin. 

"That man is a dustbuster, a scumbag, an unemployed, useless parasite living off the land. That son of a bitch!" cursed Eri just as emotionally as Jake.

"Mom ...." Karina called softly. 

Although both her mother's and father's words were true, sometimes Karina also felt uncomfortable hearing them. Significantly since she also contributed to bringing Dustin into this family. However, she could not refuse her late grandfather's choice. 

"Karina, you should just divorce your husband. Harry is better for you. Harry deserves to be your husband!" said Eri. 

"Mom, what are you saying?" Dustin had just arrived and heard the commotion right at the end. "Did you forget that I'm Karina's husband?" 

Eri rolled her eyes. "You think of yourself as my daughter's husband? What can you do but act like a beggar and live here?" 

Eri folded her arms over her chest. Her eyes flashed like a predator about to pounce on its quarry. "Have you ever given a gift to your wife? Ah, I forgot. How can you give my daughter a gift when you still ask Karina for money to buy vegetables from the market? How disgusting!" 

"You're so disgraceful. You don't know any better. You've brought shame to this family. So people talk, insult, and even worse, you've brought this family under someone else's feet! Is there nothing you can do other than being a useless person?" Jake also spoke harshly like that. 

Eri laughed bitterly. "Look, your clothes reflect how qualified you are. You're the equivalent of a street person whose only job is to beg. Rotten bum!" 

Karina bit her lower lip. "Mom, stop it. Never mind, we're used to this." 

"Because it's common, I am even more annoyed and irritated at that useless dust! Don't you think how ruined this family is because of him?" Eri's eyeballs were about to pop out when she looked at Karina. 

Karina just let out a long sigh. No matter what, everything had already happened. "Never mind, whatever!" She finally decided to go inside because she felt dizzy. 

Eri pointed her index finger at Dustin's face. "Next time, I'm not taking you to any party!"

Jake grinned. "If it weren't for Dad saying the Grayson family would be lucky to have you in our family, I would never have agreed to Karina marrying you. Everything that the older man said was wrong. You're just a burden on the family!" 

"If only that old man were still alive, he would also be very sorry for choosing you to be part of the Grayson family!" Eri added to Jake's words. 

Eri and Jake walked away from Dustin. Their mouths were chattering behind Dustin's back. The man couldn't help but smile. 

"I like it better this way," Dustin muttered. He went to the room after Karina. 

Although they were in the same room, they didn't sleep in the same bed. Dustin slept on the sofa, Karina on the bed. That was how their married life had been for the past two years. No love, no touch. However, Dustin didn't mind. Just seeing Karina's face sleeping peacefully like that made Dustin happy.


The next day. Everyone was surprised by the arrival of an anonymous gift at Karina's house—a paper bag bearing a luxury and expensive jewelry brand. Of course, just from looking at the logo on the paper bag, everyone could already tell what was inside. 

"This is for Miss Karina," said the package courier. 

Eri and Jake were excited. They shouted for Karina, who was in her room making up. The courier took his leave, and Eri was like someone who had gotten a treasure chest. 

"Can you guess what that jewelry is? I think it's a necklace or a ring," Eri guessed. 

Eri was impatient and immediately opened the paper bag. There was a small black box that looked luxurious from the outside. Eri opened the box. 

Eri and Jake's eyes lit up. They were mesmerized by the contents inside the box. "This is so beautiful. Karina must know." 

"Karina! Hurry up and come here! You're so slow!" Eri kept shouting. 

Eri's eyes lit up. "This is a gift from Harry." 

Jake nodded his head in agreement. "Yes, that's for sure. This is the most expensive gift our family has ever gotten." 

Karina approached her parents. "What is it?" 

"There's a present for you. Hurry up and open it!" Eri pleaded excitedly as if she hadn't seen it yet. 

Karina opened the gift.  

At the same time, Dustin, who had just returned from shopping for vegetables at the market, became curious about the item in Karina's hand. "Did you get a present?" 

"Yes, of course. It's a costly gift from Harry. A useless son-in-law like you wouldn't be able to give this luxurious gift to my daughter." Eri was proud of herself.

Dustin was silent. He was also curious about what was in the paper bag. Eri continued to force Karina to open it quickly. 

A small box came out of the paper bag. Eri, Jake, and Karina's eyes lit up at the sight of a brightly glowing object. Eri was getting excited and took the box's contents before Karina could touch it. 

"Oh my goodness. This is a costly diamond necklace. I've seen one of the richest family members wearing this necklace." Eri expressed her opinion. 

"This is the ninth most expensive diamond necklace in the world. The heart of kingdom ruby. It's amazing. It could cost hundreds of billions." Jake was genuinely amazed. 

Dustin frowned. Looking at the shape of the necklace, he could already guess that Albert had sent the gift. The necklace was decorated with over 40 carats of heart-shaped ruby as the main stone. Along the necklace and around the central stone was also decorated with 150 white diamonds with a total weight of 155 carats. The red ruby gemstone is unique to Dustin's family.

"Hurry up and put it on!" Jake enthused. 

Eri stood behind Karina and put the diamond necklace around the princess' neck. "Look, it suits you perfectly. I'm so proud of Harry." 

"My daughter is charming. Harry is good at picking out things that suit our daughter," Jake said. 

"Yes, he is. It's not like anyone in this house is useless!" Eri quipped to Dustin. 

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