chapter 43

Karina followed Dustin all the way to the cafe. She saw Dustin talking to Lewis but couldn't hear what they were talking about because her table was quite far away.

Karina played with her fingertips on the table while pretending to look at the menu book. "What exactly are they talking about? They don't look like the owner and leader of the company. Could it be true that the friend Dustin is referring to is Mr. Lewis? But why would Mr. Lewis trust Dustin with everything?"

Karina thought the meeting between Dustin and Lewis would last for a long time, but it didn't take more than half an hour for them to chat, after which Lewis left Dustin's presence. This was an opportunity for Karina to find out what they were talking about by asking Dustin directly.

Karina got up from her chair, about to approach Dustin. But her footsteps stopped when she saw a woman who had been saved by Dustin appear. "That's the woman in the photo when Dustin caught the mugging that Vera sent me, right?"

Carla wav
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