The old hag was all smiles showing her toothless jaws. You may think that she was the weakest among them due to her hunched back but this hag had been buffed up until her punches can blast through concrete walls unhindered and furthermore, she will not be injured or feel uncomfortable. She was like the mercenary of the group. Both her and the teenager were lucky to have been spared by the system of the obligations by those torturous quests. The only quest that they have was the current one requiring them to survive this final battle.
The old hag took out her steel whip which had a shinny diamond on its end. Don't look down upon this whip of hers, just like the weapons that her fellow survivers in the group were using, this whip wheighs around five hundred kilos. The teenager had two daggers which he was fiddling with. Madam Ross on the other hand had two hand axes. They formed a battle formation and waited for what was brewing to come out. They were in a circle formation so that each one of them can look for each other's back.[ 00 : 29 : 00 ]Booom!The earth quaked violently as if it was an earthquake of magnitude 12. The survivers outside bomas were unshakable, no one among them fell down, they were stable and stiff while scanning around where they were as if they had became a part of the world itself.These survivers were not using those long ranged weapons like guns and blasters because the manufacturers of those items stopped making those weapons. After all, in a situation like this, who will dare to open business? Unless they are nuts because money at this moment was useless and not only that but the world will not sit back and wait for them to make those weapons. They were competing here where the strongest person survive, it didn't matter whether the world or the survivers were shameless enough to take out the other when they were not ready yet, they will do that especially when they found out that the other was weak and careless. Even if the guns would have been here, they may have been useless to them, the entities that they usually fought with were not normal beings, they had a very hard carapaces covering them that a bullet can not penetrate. Only these modified weapons which they had forged them themselves can be of use.The survivers who had survived up to this moment were much stronger compared to the humans of the past before this Genesis thingy came into existence. They were an improvement of the previous human, a human that had evolved to adapt to the current situation. As a matter of fact, the souls of those people who died because they had failed the quest or didn't manage to persevere until this moment, their souls didn't get a chance for a second life and they were refined to remove their wills then those souls were used as buffs to help those who had survived by strengthening their souls. This was something that was against the laws of Earth which had even added to the deterioration of the planet. The planet Earth was a very weak planet that can not give habitat to upgraded beings like these ones. The Earth was stressing out and strained.All over the streets of Nairobi, there were rotting corpses everywhere as nobody can find time or pleasure to bury the dead. They themselves were struggling, how can you expect them to tire themselves with those ceremonial things? It was a matter of survival not to play around, ok. Even if they were to decide to bury them, how many of them will they bury? The dead were countless and the survivers were only a few. At the beginning of Genesis, they used to bury them but it reached a time where the death rate was too high and coupled with the fall of governments and powerful organizations, no one no longer stressed themselves out to bury the dead even if it was their family member, they would just leave the corpse to rot either in the streets or elsewhere. That was why Nairobi city was encompassed by a fetid stench of rotting corpses even until now, though some corpses had utterly corrupted leaving behind only bones and tattered pieces of clothing that the deceased had worn the last time before they met their end.Booom!It sounded again shaking some buildings while the ones which were unstable came falling down forming a big mushroom-cloud of dust to appear all over the city. The place where the surviving group was, was a little distance away from those towering buildings so, they were not affected and the only thing that was getting on their nerves was the waiting and the dust which had reached close to where they were. Time was moving so slowly as if there was an entity in the background who was stretching it for some reasons.All around them just like they had expected, the world had not changed its tactics, just like in all the previous days they had been living, the minions that the world was sending to finish them was the very same infected creatures. These are the people who died a long time ago from the various viruses that ravaged the planet that time. In the mix, there were also some animals corpses and the people who had died due to other causes like failing the quests.There were skeletons and walking corpses with some of their limbs missing. Lazy's group can clearly smell the air which had turned heavy due to the pungent smell of the death filling their nasals but they had became used to this presence and nothing can scare them.Although the world was using the same tactics, this time round the number of these beings that were attracted to them was not a force to be reckoned with. It was a huge force. To these beings, they were seeing Lazy's group as some flickers of lifeforces that they need to take for themselves. There was something in these survivers that the infected wanted so much in such a way that they were running on each other just to have a taste of their flesh.It was a sea of infected humans. They wriggled like maggots to reach where they were with their hideous appearances. Some of these beings still had some worms within them which were feeding on their rotting flesh but they didn't care. The only thing in their minds was to have a taste of these survivers. All around every building where these beings had been slumbering, was turned upside down as waves upon waves scurried towards them. They growled and snarled showing their sharp teeth to them while savouring the feeling of munching on their flesh."Here they come." Lazy Wafula reminded everyone with a straight face without twitching. He had been waiting for this time and there was no backing out of this. It was better to finish this ones and for all."These disgusting things! Let's show then that we are not pushovers. They will not have an easy meal out of us. Mu! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Come close motherf*ckers, let me have a taste of my hammers piercing into that rotten flesh." Master Chen hollered at the oncoming infected before he took a cold snort. His shout had agitated the hungry infected making them even more hungry. They like an active food because it was more tasty, Master Chen for example with his large build, was even more tastier that the others. The infected hoped around the buildings like grasshoppers just to reach them quickly."This is going to be a hell of a fight. I hope everyone is fine. If there is someone among us who is feeling unwell just move in the middle of the formation. We will protect you. I don't want anyone among us to miss a chance for the next life." Madam Ross said concerned about their welfare. Her words were aimed at everyone but her gaze was on the old hag as if what she had said was for her. Even if this old mama was strong, she can not help but feel conflicted about her well-being. To her, even if the world had changed and the survivers' physic had been improved drastically, the mentality that the aged were always weak was still deeply rooted in her mind, she can not help but feel sorry for this old hag but when she thought from another perspective, this old hag was not to be trifled with, she had saved their group for so many times. For her to have survived until this moment, it was not a joke, she was sure that a big percentage of the survivers around her age all over the world had mostly died.The old mama simply grinned, showing her toothless jaws which only had four incisors remaining that had made the teenage boy to nickname her a "Rat.""Are you alright?" Lazy Wafula tilted his head to the side as if trying to glance at his back and asked Queen Nakhumicha with a concerned voice."Will you allow me to play with those pets?" Queen Nakhumicha ignored his question and asked the same question she normally asked him when he met these infected in the way. Hearing her question, Lazy sighed inwardly and said, "you are still a little girl. A small person is not allowed to play with those things, wait until you grow up to a big person. Right now, you should be cute, adorable and a sweet child, alright? I will buy for you a lolipop when I finish playing with these pets." Queen Nakhumicha just sneered and hid her face on his back not wanting to talk to him anymore.The whole conversation lasted for mere seconds and in the next moment, the infected had already reached them and swung their claws while others lept in the air with their teeth showing with the intention of ripping them apart. In the meantime, the sky which was dead turned bloody red. The world had absorbed so much blood of the dead, right now it was manifesting its ominous nature by blood. This was not a good sign especially to the survivers. The world didn't just left things there, it went further and unleashed illusions around them. They can hear them, the voices reverberating in their ears with echos following up. If they were normal people, they would have already wetted their pants and jittered because of the overwhelming otherworldly eerily voices that were ravaging their minds."Lazy! Lazy! Lazzyyy!""Whatever Genesis had promised you is all a lie, we will all die and no body will survive. Give up now and you will be free.""Do you think that you are strong? Just look at the waves of the incoming infected, no one among you will get out of this alive.""Son, don't you miss us, we your parents? Stop fighting a losing battle and come to us. We miss you so much. We are dejected so much for having left without you..."Lazy Wafula was like an immovable rock on the riverbed. Nothing can move him, he knew that all those were just made up stories of this desperate planet. He will not waver, he had gone through much to reach where he was and to want to move him with those simple words was like underestimating him. If this had happened to him fifteen years ago, he would have been moved but not right now. That protective feeling of his parents disappeared a long time ago and he will not feel a thing even if his parents came here with their real self. His feeling for them was just empty like a hollow basin. Unlike Lazy Wafula and the other elderly group who were firm and collected, the teenage boy had a scrunched face as if he was fighting with himself inside, his hands were shaking. Madam Ross hit him on the head and snapped him from his daze which helped him a little. She then tossed him in the middle of the formation because he was the weakest among them and he can easily be fooled by the world.Related Chapters
Survivor Evolution: demonic system Introduction 4 (attribute)
Grrrr!The infected sniveled as they stared at the sky which had turned bloody red and let out a high piercing strident with agitated faces as if they were happy with whatever the world had done. Lazy felt it, he can apparently sense the difference in those walking corpses. These walking corpses were no longer the same as they used to be and it seemed as if the bloody sky had strengthened them even further. He can't imagine how much powerful these guys had become. He had fought many of them in the past to survive until this time and they were conniving and brutal creatures that he himself had sometimes chosed to flee when he was encompassed by them, but this time round there was no fleeing and on top of that it seemed like these guys were even more powerful than the former self.The walking corpses had more copious amounts of dead aura after that action of the world. They just reeked of death itself which was making Lazy's group to have difficulties in breathing in this heavy pungent
Survivor Evolution: demonic system Introduction 5 (the corrupted)
When the walking corpses saw that their opponents were gaining momentum, they got angry because of the cowering feeling that had crept deep inside them. They snarled at them and decided to meet them even though they were afraid. Their instincts was telling them that these improved beings were not to be trifled with but the world on the other hand which dictated their existance didn't allow them to abort. Any of them which defected was peeled like a nut before their existance was erased. No one among them was ready for that torture as although these beings had no soul, that didn't mean that they can not feel pain. They were determined to go down with these survivors. It was at first, only a single walking corpse that initiated the fight and when the others saw that, their blood boiled from determination and just like that, they again scurried towards them in waves like maggots swimming in a pool of filth. Lazy Wafula was not intimidated by their determination on their disgusting face
Survivor Evolution: demonic system Introduction 6 (Improved walking corpses)
Although the coffin was sealed in the barrier, the chains holding it on her back were still there so when she fell, the coffin also fell on her. The walking corpses that were earlier irritated by her cry had already reached out to her and they shoved the coffin aside revealing her dead body. The walking corpses exchanged looks and dig in but they were disinterested the next moment. Her corpse was just like theirs, it was not fresh and it was also corrupted. They felt like they were eating something disgusting. They thus, shifted their gazes at the remaining people and decided to go for them but the next second, they felt weakness getting into them. Their energies were drained completely and also the walking corpses around were not spared all of them were used to bring back Madam Ross.As Madam Ross underwent through the revival, Lazy Wafula had already lost all of his energy and his body can no longer support the running of his attribute. He suddenly fell on his knees as the rotten
Survivor Evolution: demonic system Obtained the greatest demonic system
Any walking corpse that sneaked on him was utterly severed by her.---The survival mark on the foreheads of all survivors gleamed with a tint of redness before fading. The survival mark was previously not hidden or erased as it was there like a tattoo for everyone to see. All survivors had this mark but right now it was no more, the survival selections had come to an end but was it the end of Genesis or the start of Genesis?Huff! Huff! Huff!The survivers all panted but you can clearly see pleased looks on their faces, yes they had made it alive. All of them had used up all the revival chances, the ones who had their attributes still running were the most affected of them all as their bodies were stressing out and they were feeling pain even until now but that can not dispell the relaxed looks and excitement for achieving the impossible. The teenage youth was kneeling on the ground with his head low, a huge gaping hole which was still dripping with blood can be seen on his chest, t
Survivor Evolution: demonic system Iwe-èfwe planet
In Earth, it was like he was walking in a pool of mud because of the universal laws working against him as a person with activated attribute but in this place, the rules were different, this was the world for cultivators and he can clearly feel the abundant spiritual energy in the air, it was as if he had gone to heaven, those restrictions in Earth were so suppressive on him but here, he was free, he felt like he can keep his attribute running forever without suffering a backlash.His damaged soul, injuries and his rotten body had healed completely and he became a new person who was not bounded by the rules and the system. Speaking about the system, Lazy Wafula remembered the vague male voice that he heard before he fainted.He also realized that he had migrated with the britches that he was wearing while fighting the walking corpses and as for his shirt, he had removed it in that sewer. The pant was still covered with blood and filth, also, it was tattered here and there due to the l
Survivor Evolution: demonic system Kibra shelter
"This is your room in this shelter. No one is able to get into this room without your permission. This room will only be given out to another cultivator when you move out after evolving to the ancestral stage. Host should know that this is a low tier shelter, low tier shelters tend to be attacked by beast hordes and destroyed very often so, host should protect this shelter if you want to go back to the Iwefwe planet because teleportation can only be done in this room unlike in the Iwefwe planet where it can be done from anywhere. Teleportation is only possible in this room because the space in the cultivation realms are very unstable and can not allow teleportation. It is only in this room where the space is stable."So, you are saying that when this shelter fall, I will not get back. But why? There has to be another shelter in this cultivation plane, right?" Lazy Wafula wanted to confirm, he didn't believe that he can not get out of this place when the shelter falls."Beep""Affirmat
Survivor Evolution: demonic system Just a newbie
"Aah friend, you can call me brother Fay or Wesonga. The gate to take you out of this shelter is not in the direction that you are going. If you would have continued to go with that direction, you might have wished that you would not have come here. Wherever you see a graffiti on the walls of the cabins, that means danger. Switch to another way. You should know that we are in cultivation plane. There are no rules here and anyone can kill you and nobody will say a thing about it. I think you have already heard about the demon race and the vampire race. Unlike humans who are not even on the survival ladder of the top a thousand race, the demons are number two while the vampires are number three on the ladder. You can clearly see how talented those guys are. I have only talked about those two races because they are the ones dominating in this place. So, you need to be careful. Don't be on the bad side of those two races, no, don't be on the bad side of anyone in this place."Lazy Wafula
Survivor Evolution: demonic system killing Wood River
Almost reaching to the Destroyed Fate mountains, Lazy Wafula started to feel the strong bloodthirstiness. It seemed like they were about to meet the beasts. The beasts seem to avoid the area around the shelter for some reasons which baffled him because the system had told him that low tier shelters tend to be attacked by beast hordes. Shouldn't those beast be roaming around the shelter while giving the cultivators a difficult time to chase them away?The earth of this cultivation plane seemed to be alive as of now, it was releasing a dark mist which made him revitalized as if he had drank something cool after walking in the desert for a long time without finding water anywhere."Beep""Level one bood energy +1"'The heck! Just walking around the area can make one fill the blood energy bars? ' Lazy Wafula was astounded. He never imagined that he can gain blood energy just by being in this place."Beep""Host should know that the dark mist can only fill the level one bar though at a slo
Latest Chapter
Perfect encounter
There, he could feel the pain."It is not a dream. It is real. But why is the pain so distant even when I have cut my cheek?" Lazy Wafula asked himself. He casted a glance around him and realized something when he glanced at the ground. The temperature of this place was so low in such a way that it was even affecting him as a cultivator but he could not see any ice formed and the yellow grass on the ground was as lively as it could be as if it was the spring season."This temperature is it affecting my body or soul?" While Lazy Wafula was still asking himself stupid questions, his thought process was disrupted again by the happy chatter of the group in front of him. The group was so preoccupied into their stories in such a way that they didn't even register Lazy Wafula's presence or maybe they just didn't saw him.So, Lazy Wafula decided to walk towards where the group had assembled. It was not even a big group of people but there were only three people who had formed a circle around
"Aaaaaaaarrrrgggghhhh!"Lazy Wafula cried loudly and a tear drop could be seen coming from his eyes. It was not even a tear drop but it was small appendages that looked like the hands of an infant. These appendages were so small about the size of an ant and that was why they could come out of his eye. This happened in a mere moment and Lazy Wafula didn't even felt a thing as the hands drew back into his eyes thus his eyes returned to normalcy as if nothing happened.Currently, what Lazy Wafula was feeling right now was merely the agitatedness, yes. Lazy Wafula felt like he was being toyed with and his soul could not accept that. He felt like he should just blew himself up and disappear to the nether, he felt like he could just eat up a whole pig so that he could satiate himself and stop being irritated. He felt like he just wanted to fuck women right now, it didn't matter how many women he could fuck, but the more, the better.While still in the forced dance state, Lazy Wafula tried t
Lazy Wafula was totally sure that if he followed what Nakba was saying, he could led a perilous and sinister path that would cost him a lot in the future. And the most stupid thing was that he knew that he was being led in a wrong path but he could not help it and just follow the path like a loyal dog. He was helpless."I have to find something that I can use to help myself out of this situation." Lazy Wafula said to himself before starting to run like a lunatic. lazy Wafula had even forgotten that he was in Silent forest, a very dangerous place, what was in Lazy Wafula's mind was only the thought of searching for a cure that would stop the mutation and kill the foreign substances in his body."I have to find the cure. Yes. I have to." Lazy Wafula chanted this maniacally like a spell. If anyone met Lazy Wafula right now, they would thought that his brain had been fried because of his behavior."Why am I feeling as if something is watching my every move?" Lazy Wafula suddenly came to
"Nakba! What happened to my body?" Lazy Wafula asked the system in a haste. It was the only thing which could know what was wrong with him._"Beep"_"While you were still preoccupied with learning Emperor's Overbearingness, your body acted on its own and killed all the devouring worms and unfortunately, the product of the dead worms splattered all over your body before sinking into your skin.""Just that?" Lazy Wafula asked with anticipation as Nakba had only explained a half of it. One should know that when Lazy Wafula bought Emperor's Overbearingness, the technique was absorbed by his mind directly from the system. So, Lazy Wafula could not forget any detail of the technique as it was with him and merged with him. With this, Lazy Wafula could have simply waited until he got to a safe place like in the Iwefwe planet and learn this technique but the eagerness to learn made Lazy Wafula to learn it right there and then.In addition, Lazy Wafula in some reasons, he could tell that some
Emperor's Overbearingness
Emperor's Overbearingness was a technique that allowed the user to sunder the heavens and Earth if it was practiced to its maximum level. It was a technique that went hand in hand with an overbearing weapon like Lazy Wafula's demonic cleaver.Lazy Wafula decided to practice the technique while he was still right at that place where the outcome of fight between the giant beasts had unfolded.When the cleaver was swung according to the doctrines of Emperor's Overbearingness, the demonic cleaver felt as light as a feather. Previously when Lazy Wafula was using the knife technique( Stalking knife) on the cleaver, it felt as heavy and it could not move faster the way he wanted it but right now, he felt as if he was holding a light feather rather than an overbearing weapon. The demonic cleaver had accepted to be merged by this technique because it was compacted with it.Lazy Wafula swung the cleaver once again and it broke through the primary friction easily. Even if the demonic cleaver was
disgusting worms
"These dead beasts could give me some blood energy, right?" Lazy Wafula thought as he started walking towards the red ring.The ring was totally a gruesome site as Lazy Wafula could even see that some disgusting grey worms were swimming in the pool of blood created by the death beasts, wherever these worms passed, the red blood turned to a black pungent sap. The worms had also started to devour the pieces of flesh that were around, Lazy Wafula didn't truly know if it was true that the worms were devouring the flesh or simply playing with them because from what he could see, the worms were surely squirming from one piece of flesh to the other as if they had made the flesh their homes. The flesh that the worms passed through although they were fresh, they would turn into something like dark mucous, it seemed these worms were breaking the flesh down. The skin of the worms themselves was excreting a mucous substance that had a rotten smell."The worms had not moved to decompose those b
The final blow
"So scary..." before even Lazy Wafula finished talking, he saw the giant eye preparing to do the same attack that it did which made his face to darken instantly. Unlike the bird which its attack was sonic, the giant eye's attack urged the beasts within it's area to come out of their hiding and worship it before dieing in its maws."I have to get out if this place quickly!" Lazy Wafula hollered without thinking.He crawled hastily towards the rocks and fortunately, the rocks were not far away. He found a cave and shoved himself inside. That was the moment that he heard the vibration of the rocks and then the unforgettable quality of the giant eye brushed through his body up to his mind. That attack could pass through rocks, so it was not that strange that it reached where he was.The urge again. Lazy Wafula felt like there was a woman of his life out there calling for him seductively - the feeling was hard to resist especially for a person like him who had never experienced true love.
Sonic chirp
Chirp! Chirp! Chirp!While Lazy Wafula was still pondering about what he could do to escape from the snare of the giant eye, he heard a distant exited chirps of a bird. Those chirps didn't have a definite direction from which they were coming from because Lazy Wafula could clearly hear them coming from everywhere around him. He tilted his head and stared at the eye which was still a little bit far away from reaching close to him - the eye was gazing at a certain point with an exasperated stare. Lazy Wafula judged that where the eye was staring was where those chirps were coming from.The coming of those chirps had given Lazy Wafula some leeway because the giant eye had stopped gawking at him and shifted its gaze to where the reverberating chirps were coming from.Seeing this, Lazy Wafula became exited, since the giant eye's attention had been taken by those sounds, he could free himself from the locking of the giant eye and escape, right?However, Lazy Wafula found that he was too n
"I told you. Your end will be right here. Right now you are nothing but a dried up husk without support." The demon corpse which appeared in front of Lazy Wafula said with an uncomfortable smirk plastered on its face. The demon corpse continued,"This is my domain. Killing me is not conceivable, unless you were on the same level or even a level higher than mine."Lazy Wafula stood calmly while hearing to the incoherent talk of the demon corpse. He was now out of his energy. even his grip on the handle of the demonic cleaver was quivering, he didn't think that he could swing this cleaver even a little because his energy was dropping slowly by slowly until it stopped at his supposed level which was level three.Although reluctant, Lazy Wafula kept his demonic cleaver since he didn't have the energy to swing it. He summoned his Evil Eye sword instead."Huh! Interesting..." The demon corpse didn't have to finish its words since Lazy Wafula was already slashing his sword across its head bu