Battle in the Cursed Desert - Part Two.

Each of the swords had a flag-like strand with the left one reading "Loyal to the death, only to the Light Religion and the Head of the Light Religion". The left flag read "Live with honor, Good deeds remembered and carried to death".

The flags waved in the desert breeze, making Yu Long moved as he read the inscription.

Meanwhile, the purple protector also took out two sword blades that had flags inscribed with the same words as the inscription on the White Protector's flag...

"Let us fight to the death. It's better to die fighting for loyalty, than to run away and live to be the laughing stock of people. Two Protectors of the Bright Sect are ready to fight." Purple Protector ZuseDe hissed.

Yu Long was so moved that he tremblingly took out his lute (GuZheng).

"Then let the three of us fight them to the death."

Yu Long then plucked the lute with a powerful exertion of Qi attached to the notes.


A wave of energy sounded painful to the ears, striking the two giant came
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