Shi Clan.

Inside the restaurant, as usual Suma Fen only ordered vegetables and drinks, but Fei Ma ordered a lot of meat. Fei Ma prepared a lot of energy for when he would fly through the notorious Central and Northern border storms.

"Eating a lot of meat is very helpful for the body to survive in this cold" Fei Ma said shyly, after seeing that his order was very large.

As they waited for their food, there were a few people sitting around enjoying their food, talking loudly. Their conversation was still around the hottest topic in the Central Region, which was the Great King Jade Palace prison break, as well as the deaths of two SAGE experts and five SAINT experts.

Suma Fen just looked away, indifferent as he gazed at the street.

"What I heard is that the rebel leader is still very young.

He was able to kill two SAGEs from the West, single-handedly" The purple shirt intentionally spoke out loud. He hoped people would admire his knowledge of the latest news.

"The Cultivation level of a SAGE is no
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