The Secret of the Eight Relics - Part Two.

Seeing the Spirit Oracle's friendly attitude, the Phoenix then slowly composed an ancient history...

"Alright... this master will open his mouth..."

"You only need to collect the other three relics of the Immortals of our time."

"When you manage to collect three more relics and fuse the Spirit's fragmentary power into your physical body... surely the life of an Immortal is on the horizon."

"The four powers will fuse together and form your physical body into an Immortal rank expert..." Phoenix giggled again. He found it amusing to see the oracle Spirit repeatedly dumbfounded by his story with her mouth open.

Still not fading from his surprise... the Spirit oracle continued to ask...

"So if I want to have the ability to become an Immortal, by uniting the power of the expert in the reliquary.......can you explain to me. What relics should I collect to have a chance to unite them and turn into an Immortal expert?"

Excitedly-because it felt like it had someone to talk to, the Phoenix was e
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