New Revelations
Motivated by Eren, Gaine erupted with lightning sparks and leaped towards the skyscraper, heading straight to its topmost floor to help his grandfather.

Eren, meanwhile, headed for the last floor, the lab where he had placed one of the bugs.

“Come on," he urged Drake, who was still limping.

They walked towards the elevator, and when they got into it, Eren pushed the last floor button. Drake groaned in pain, and Eren sighed.

“You have to hold on, okay? This will end soon.” Eren said, trying to encourage Drake to be patient and stand strong.

Soon, they reached the last floor and walked toward the lab as quickly as possible.

When they got there, the lab was in shambles.

All the documents were scattered, some vials had broken on the floor, and different liquids had spilled around.

“Alice!” Eren called out to, hoping to find the lab’s carekeeper.

He spotted other scientists hiding around, but not Alice.

Not giving up on his search, Eren dragged Drake to the second room, whe
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