The Beaten & The Broken

The next blow Eren dealt Daniel nearly tore his head off his shoulders with the force of it and he was flung across the arena where he slammed against the wall, crumpling to the ground like a paper doll.

A shock wave rippled through the arena after the blow.

The crowd gasped.

When Daniel hit the wall, the bricks cracked and a rift jagged like a bolt of lightning could be seen.

"Get up!" People called from the crowd. "Come on!"

They yelled all sorts of encouragement at the fallen fighter from the stands. The shouts turned into a chant and soon the arena was alive with it.

‘Not if he had a say in the matter’, Eren mused.

He advanced on Daniel as the screams of Get up! grew more insistent.

A blow like that, he surmised, would put down most people.

Yet, bleeding at the mouth and from the ears, Daniel crawled forward, eventually using the wall as leverage to heft himself to his feet.

Eren was upon him in a moment, as quick as a blur.

He managed to regain his com
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