The WAKER Plague
Incidents involving The Waker continued to plague the school and its surroundings.

Students, fueled by the potent drug, were losing control, and the consequences were dire.

Eren and his group had been tracking the situation, trying to stay one step ahead of the chaos.

The Waker was their responsibility after all, since they were the one's to discover it in the first place.

Making the Ten one of the leading response teams for Waker incidents had taken a bit of convincing, mostly of the higher-ups who were hesitant to grant such jurisdiction to what amounted to volatile teenagers.

A little… pressure, one could say, had solved that for them.

Mostly from those in their team who had important connections, and the political know-how to leverage such connections.

So instead of being limited to investigating the incidents, they were now slated as first responders in case an incident happened somewhere close to them.

Subduing the students didn't usually take much when they were all
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