Chapter 425 I Only Want That One

Of course, we painstakingly built up these groups from nothing, so they are like our own children, far better than these worthless sons of ours. That is why we humbly ask you to take these rotten boys in exchange for our companies."

"Tiger fathers devour not their cubs, yet you'd readily offer up your sons for your companies. Such ruthlessness is unparalleled indeed," Justin remarked.

"You jest, sir. There is no feud between our families. This mess stems solely from these wretches offending you. So let them shoulder the consequences, as is only right. Without this lesson, they will never grow up."

The two fathers were determined to sell out their own sons.

"Very well, seeing your utmost sincerity, I shall reluctantly accept your apology. But some debts remain between these young masters and I. Fortunately, as their fathers, you're both here today. Why don't we settle this so no lingering grudges remain? I have a poor memory and tend to forget past grievances, after all."

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