Chapter 434 Gradually Transferring Assets

"Hey, I said you didn't have to kneel if you didn't want to. But did you have to go straight to knives and guns? I hate when people threaten my loved ones, and I really hate having guns pointed at my head. You just ticked both those boxes, so sorry, but now you get a one-way ticket to hell."

With a casual wave, an invisible force ripped the Desert Eagle from the stunned brute's hand. The man gaped in bewilderment, never having witnessed something so freakish and bizarre.

He had seen many powerful fighters, but never someone so freakishly monstrous. His only thought now was to flee. This target was too freaky to handle. Though his line of work prized success, living to fight another day was the greatest fortune. Even if he could somehow kill Justin in a death match, he'd be dead himself - unable to enjoy the spoils.

"Run? Can you escape?" Justin scoffed coldly before flashing forward and punching the thug back. The brute crashed into some chemical containers, causing their contents to
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