System Extermination Of Monster
System Extermination Of Monster
Author: Diyah
1. Strange Extraterrestrial Creatures.


There was a huge, terrifying sound, coming from a hill in the southern part of the city. A rock bigger than a tall building hit the hill. And the big rock turned out to be a meteor.

A meteor suddenly fell in the mountains near a residential area but strangely the meteor did not destroy the entire village even though the meteor was bigger than a building, people flocked to find out what happened in the mountains after a foreign meteor hit it.

The large rock with fire all over it is an image of a meteor that has just landed.

"Look at that!" Someone shouted which immediately attracted everyone's attention to look at the sky which was already dark because it was already afternoon.

Many meteors crossed the boundary between heaven and earth and immediately loud booms were heard from various directions.

Not long after, the sound of evacuation sirens sounded loud, causing residents to scatter away from the meteor, but it was too late. A strange creature from inside the meteor began to open the door, causing a strange liquid from inside to just come out.

Everyone fell silent looking at the scene in front of them, one of the men felt that there would be danger if he remained there, making him suddenly scream.

"Run! Danger!" The man shouted, immediately running first, causing the people who were chasing him to immediately go down the mountain.

A strange green creature, with mucus covering its body, started looking around it and there were still many humans who saw it and didn't move while some of them started running to escape.

"Hah, hungry," muttered the strange, burly green creature as he walked slowly, causing the mucus that previously covered him to begin to come off and reveal his original form.

"Run!" Someone shouted which immediately made the monster look at him.

As if it had just seen food, the alien creature took a strange object from behind its body and chased the human who was just screaming and running. The speed of the creature was extraordinary and managed to catch up with someone who was already far away from it. he.

"I am hungry!" With a jolt when it managed to catch its prey and immediately devoured the human in one bite, as if it wasn't yet full, the green alien creature began to look for the presence of another human who was now hiding in the bushes.

The boy who managed to escape first from the creature managed to get into his house but the person he was looking for was not in the house, the boy was looking for his only younger sister.

"Adora, where are you?" shouted the man frantically.

The man went back out of the house and looked for his sister among the people who were now running around aimlessly because the creatures from the meteor were everywhere in the village.

The man continued to run and often collided with several people who immediately ran to save themselves. When he was getting tired because he couldn't find his little brother, suddenly he saw a small teddy bear right in front of a strange, large green creature.

"Adora...!" Sorrow began to fill the man's heart when he saw the monster was chewing something and there was a lot of blood on the monster's clothes, "Did Adora eat it?" he muttered in disbelief.

The man started to clench his fists in anger, he couldn't just see his sister's blood in the monster's mouth, nor did he want to see his sister's body in tatters inside the monster's body.

The monster accidentally saw the little man in front of him and immediately grinned happily, "There's dessert," the monster said happily as he raised his big hammer.

When the man's anger was increasing, suddenly a blue aura surrounded him, making the green monster surprised and feeling strange at the boy who was now staring at him closely.

"Give me back my little sister!" His strong jolt made the green monster start to become alert because it felt a different aura from the little man in front of him.

The man, Agah Engkas Tall who had just turned seventeen years old, was now blinded by anger, making him unaware that a system was now clearly displayed in front of him, "Give me back my sister!" Now Agah shouted while clenching his fists, his hands were covered in a strange blue aura that he had not yet noticed.

The green monster blocked the blue aura that almost hit its body with the large hammer that was now its weapon, "You're dead!" The monster screamed and without realizing it, the hammer made of copper suddenly left his hand, and the big hammer came towards Agah.

Agah slowly raised his hand as if he was summoning something, the blue aura on his body spread out,- and returned carrying various weapons made of metal.

"Die you ...!" Agah shouted while pointing his various weapons at the green monster who was now feeling scared.

Not long after, sad screams began to be heard from all corners as well as the green monster in front of Agah who was now lying with many swords, knives, and hoes on his body.

After feeling satisfied, suddenly his body went limp and just collapsed, but Agah still wanted to look for his sister's body which was inside the body of the strange green monster. Before opening the monster's stomach, Agah first held a teddy bear belonging to his sister, Adora Anindita.

Who knows how many humans the monster had eaten, making it difficult for Agah to find his sister's body in the green monster's stomach, "Where are you, Adora?" he muttered while continuing to cry.

But suddenly a dazzling light made Agah's eyes blink several times, the light came from the object in the monster's chest, "Stone?" Agah was shocked, the stone was as big as a human fist and the color was as red as blood.

While Agah was still looking at the red rock, suddenly a voice called him, "Sis!" Agah recognized the shrill voice and when he turned around, was it true that the girl he was looking for was right in front of him,- so that the monster didn't eat his sister?

"Adora!" Agah shouted as he immediately hugged his sister tightly. Finally, Agah found his younger brother who was still alive, and looked fine, "From you?" Agah asked worriedly.

"I was hiding with Aunt Tana," answered Adora as her gaze fell on the red

stone in Agah's hand. "Brother, what is that?" asked the girl innocently.

Agah looked at the strange stone then stopped for a moment to see clearly what type of stone it was, "I don't know..." Agah answered, and after that, he got the answer from the system that he had been ignoring. system. beginning.

* Red Mana Stone can heal a damaged body, Red Mana Stone can also strengthen defense and improve fighting techniques. That's the explanation about the red stone, but Agah doesn't know what to do with the stone, should he eat it?

Out of curiosity, Agah finally brought the stone closer to his heart but nothing happened and when Agah opened his mouth to eat the large stone, the large stone suddenly entered his mouth.

"Ukuh!" Agah frantically beat his chest, trying to get the strange stone out of his body. Unfortunately, Agah was too late because the blood-red stone had merged with his body and a system reappeared in front of him.

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