Chapter 1
Jimmy was again back from work late, but how he could even today?,
Today was a special day for us, it was our three years in marriage wedding anniversary, he could not forget this special day could he?
My feet were sore and my back was killing me but still I was not ready to retire to bed,
I was determined to wait for him till he arrived, what could be keeping him out for soo long?,
My eyes drifted off to the big wall clock in the living room, it was five minutes from midnight, where the hell was he, I tried calling his line again like I had been doing for the past five hours but still, it went straight to voicemail,
When I suddenly thought of calling Alex his best friend and colleague, I heard the doorbell ring,
Was it him?, but how he forget he had a spare key with him?, nevertheless, I stood up and went to open the door.
Expecting to see him drank on the front door as my conclusion on why he decided to ring the doorbell, I was surprised to see there was no one, no one but a noticeable piece of paper,
I looked around to see if there was anyone but there wasn't, the night was dark and the streets where quite indicating people had far long retired to bed,
With a chilly feeling, I grabbed the piece of paper and stared down at it,
How could I simply forget, I was looking at an old piece of paper which had my handwriting on it written clealy in big red letters, DEAR ISRAEL.
out of fear and panic, I rushed back into the house locking the door and made my way back into the living room,
DEAR ISRAEL, how was it possible that this letter found its way to my door step, it was far too long that I had seen it the day I wrote it,
It was the exact same handwriting and paper but instead of the blue ink I had used, the letters where in red ink and there was nothing more on that paper, I remembered very well I had written a list of things on this paper but where was the rest of the words,
Maybe someone was playing a joke on me I thought has my eyes again drifted to the wall clock,
23:58, where on earth was this man, it was almost midnight, out of habit, I grabbed my phone and dialed his number but like before it went straight to voicemail, I was now getting worried and panicked especially after what happened a few minutes ago,
How could this be here and even though it could be a prank, how could the paper have the name Israel on it and in my hand writing,
I was getting more worried has my eyes drifted off to the wall clock again out of instinct,
It was exactly mid night and suddenly all the lights in the house went out,
I had a sense of panic and fear has I felt that I was no longer alone in the house, my body had goosebumps all over, I switched on my flash light and stood up checking around the room
"Jimmy, are you back?" I asked loudly even though I had not heard the door open, I heard a sound in the kitchen and immediately rushed there,
"Jimmy!" I called but again received no response, when I got to the kitchen, there was no one but a broken glass cup on the floor
"Jimmy!" I called again knowing fully well nobody could have done this if not for him, we only stayed the two of us and unless he had somehow entered without me noticing then there was literally no chance somebody else would have entered the house,
All the doors and windows where locked and the safe alarm was on so why was there a broken glass on the floor?
I was about to clean up the glass when I heard a sound upstairs, it came from our room
"Jimmy, are you home yet?" I called loud enough for him to hear if indeed he was upstairs, when I didn't receive any sound, I took steady steps up the stairs wondering if it was him that was doing all this,
Surprisingly when I entered our bedroom and looked around the room using the flash light, I saw no one but still, there was this strange feeling that I wasn't alone in the house
Closing the door carefully behind me, I decided I could just retire to bed after all, has it was, it was already another day and I was tired.
I lay in my bed taking a deep breath and trying to get some sleep when I suddenly heard a cry of a baby just next to my room,
This was the room we had planned to make the baby's room when he was born,
"No, am just too tired and having harrusinations" I told myself closing my eyes again, but before I could sleep I heard the same sound again but this time, it didn't stop, it seemed like a baby was crying continuously in the next room,
Alarmed, I stood up and looked for some weapon I would use in my defense incase I found something in the next room, luckily the knife was on the table on a plate with some cut out oranges I had left earlier on
I took slow steps and went into the next room the knife still steady in my hands,
Taking a deep breath, I opened the door and what I saw made me walk backwards while the phone fell from my hands
"Aaaaah!!" I screamed in flight, the whole surrounding was in complete darkness and I knew I was not alone in the house, there was something, something unexplainable,
I managed to find my way at the top of the stairs when I suddenly felt something very cold push me from up the stairs, my body landed at the bottom stairs in extreme pain,
"My baby" I cried before darkness consumed me....
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Chapter 2The BABY IS GONEKelly.When I opened my eyes, I looked around the environment and noticed I was in a hospital bed,How did I get here?, was the only question I could ask myself and then, I noticed it, my baby bump it was gone"Aaaah!" I screamed in horror,"Calm down, calm down" I told myself but how could I do that when my baby bump was gone, could this mean, no I cried there had to be an explanation for this, there was no baby I could just wake up and the baby wasn't in me,With in no time, the door to the room opened revealing a man I assumed was the doctor due to how he was dressed and two nurses following him behind"Where, where is my baby?" I asked feeling my throat a bit dry"Mrs Williams, try to calm down" the doctor said, was he freaking with me?,I was just pushed from the top of my stairs and woke up without a baby bump and he tells me to calm the freaking down,"Where,,,, is,,,, my,,
Chapter 3SOMETHING STRANGE IN A DREAMKELLY.I found myself back at the Hospital I worked from in my office looking at a picture, when I looked clearly it wasn't a Document of a patient but a picture, for some reason, I couldn't make out how the person on that picture looked like,The picture wasn't burly or anything so I found this all strange and then suddenly, I thought it was a good idea to turn around the picture and see what was at the back of itDEAR ISRAEL, immediately i saw those words, I throw the picture on the floor in panic and horror has I stood up,What was this doing here, who could have written something like that at the back of a photo,Looking down at myself, I realized I didn't look anyway pregnant like I should have, I touched my flat stomach in horror"My baby" I said in more of a whisper, when my eyes turned to the floor to look at the picture I had thrown there, I was surprised it wasn't there,I
Chapter 4DEATH AT MY DOOR STEP, ALMOSTKELLY.no matter what I did, my mouth could not open, there was no sound coming from my lips when I was literally screaming in my head,Why couldn't I open my mouth and eyes, I tried to move my hands but as expected, they where glued to the bed, I couldn't move a single muscle of my body,I was feeling sofforcated, even breathing was becoming difficult has I felt I was running out of oxygen,Help!, I tried to scream but no words left my lips, if i stayed like this for a minute longer, surely I was going to meet my death,Was this the end of me, dying just after losing my baby to go knows where, why couldn't I feel my body except my lack of oxygen, yet I could not feel any arms of a person holding me down, what exactly was holding me down?Just when I felt I was going to die any moment due to lack of air, I heard the door to the room open and suddenly, my body was released from whatever wa
Chapter 5SOMETHING BEHOLD THE PHYSICAL, OR MAYBEKELLY."Something not physcial, what do you mean by that em,,, am sorry I didn't get your name" I said remembering she had not told me her name"Ruth, my name is Ruth" she said"Nice to meet you Ruth, please call me kelly, you see, I haven't been taking any medicine including the day I lost my baby, besides even if I did which I can promise you wasn't the case, why would I have take wrong medicine?, I mean am a Doctor and I can testify I have never ever prescribed wrong medication to my patients" I said in a matter of fact way"I know mrs will,,,, em Kelly, it could be a Mistake, maybe some drug you took unknowingly through something you ate or drank" I know she was trying to help by saying all this but honestly, I couldn't remember taking anything that could be harmful to me or my baby, I was on a strick diet because of the pregnancy and besides, I only leaved with jim who didn't know much a
Chapter 6MUMMYKELLY.A few minutes after Doctor Adams and Ruth left to attend to other patients, I knew I was not alone,I looked around the room but I couldn't see anyone.The atmosphere proved otherwise, I tried to sit up but found that almost impossible to do, my hands and the rest of my body couldn't move no matter how much I tried, suddenly the room became so dark that I couldn't see anythingI suddenly felt something cold holding my cheek, my breath became uneven as I tried to scream,But again my mouth wouldn't open,I felt goosebumps all over my body when I was certain that something was holding me down,'Oh God, help me out' i cried silently, and then I heard it, it was a whisper"Mummy", I screamed at the top of my voice and this time, my voice came out loud and clear,The Doctor and a few nurses walked in and held me down as I tried to get out of bed screaming"Honey, relax, just relax t
Chapter 7A DREAM OR WAS IT?KELLY."Honey, how are you feeling now?" I heard jimmy ask when I opened my eyesJimmy, I was home again, I couldn't express the kind of gratitude I felt to be back in this hospital againSo it was all a dream, but it felt so real, the pain I had been feeling when I saw that Doctor kill the baby,The pain was intense and unimaginable"I have been worried sick about you, you have been yelling and crying in your sleep, I got scared and called the Doctor who came to check up on you""I had a dream, it was a very bad dream" I confused, right now, I was confused as to why I was having these strange dreams,The woman I saw, who was she and what did she mean I was in the land of the dead, all this was just too much, I needed answers"Jimmy, could you do me a favor?" I asked"Right away honey, what do you need, you haven't eaten anything, should I bring you food?" He asked
Chapter 8THE CLIFFKELLY.After Jim left, I had taken a nap, though at first I was scared that immediately I would close my eyes,The weird things where going to start again but Lucky for me, I had taken my first long Nap without anything out of the ordinary happening,When I woke up, it was already almost midnight and I was alone in my ward,This only meant Jim didn't come like he said he would and I wondered whyI got out of bed feeling a lot better and relaxed, I was hungry so I decided to eat the food that jim had brought in the afternoon,Not minding that the food was cold, I dag into it until I felt full and put the plates aside,I would have loved to take a walk but since it was already midnight, I knew it was a bad idea and hence went back to bed,The room was deadly quite, I couldn't even hear any noise from outside, maybe everyone was sleeping and the Doctors and nurses might have already done their rou
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Chapter 169
Chapter 169KELLYI really had no idea Tim had been showing my photos to Israel and honestly it came has a shock that he did,From how I saw it since the moment I showed up on his door stepped, kim hated me but then there it was,Both kim and his mom couldn't stop the kid as he pulled back inside the house, he was soo happy as he led me straight to his room with my suitcase still in my hand"Mom, look I wrote letters on my every birthday" he said,I received the four pieces of papers with tears in my eyes, I kneeled down hugging my son tightly as I held unto himMy Dear Israel, I cried, I would never forgive myself for ever leaving himKim and his mom eventually gave up on trying to make me leave as Israel wouldn't hear of it,The boy looked really happy and just seeing him happy made me happy too, I loved him and I was going to do all it takes to make sure I was there for him from that point hence forth.In the evening, once Israel was asleep with reading a book for him, I decided it
Chapter 168
Chapter 168......Mexico.....Edward after dropping off abby went home,he wondered why maria had calling him like that,he hoped she had some useful news of courseHe called her after showering and she answered almost immediately"Yes maria"he answered not ready to put up a fight with her since he had just recently had one of the best days in a long time"Why weren't you taking my calls??"she asked sounding upset"I was busy but i don't think i need to explain that to you"he said"Why do you treat me like this Edward don't i do everything you ask me to do and yet you still treat me like some piece of trash"okay so he had planed to be nice to her but what was with the attitude now"Are you going to tell why why you were calling me or should i just hang up?"he asked getting back to his cold usual voiceThat seemed to put her in her place"No,don't hang up"she begged himHe didn't say anything waiting for her to continue"Well,am pregnant"she said"What????,when did you find out???"he ask
Chapter 167
Chapter 167.......Europe.......Maria planed to use her best card today and hopefully,she would succeed,she had the whole thing planned in her mind and only waited for the right time to put her plan in action,"Prepare the car,we are going out in less than 10 minutes"she said to Boz who nodded without questioning her,Maria wore a body tight short dress,one would certainly mistake her for Mark daughter than wife,after all she was just a year older than samatha"Drive to this hotel"she told Boz when they where in the car,he did has he was told wondering what the hell she was up,was she meeting someone at the hotel,only one way to find out...She booked a private room when they got to the hotel"Am sorry for asking Mrs Vando but are you meeting someone??"Boz finally asked while they where heading to the booked roomMaria gave out a light laughter"Oh Boz,i knew your curiosity wouldn't let you be,just shut up and follow me"she answered,Boz was now beginning to think he should call Mark
Chapter 166
Chapter 166........Europe.......Maria watched has Boz sipped from his cup with a smirk on her face,it would only be a few minutes before the drugs she had put in his cup started workingFor a few minutes,Boz just sat seeming deep in thought,when he started being restless,she got up and went to lock the door,she further went into the bathroom and took off all her clothes leaving her stuck named,she looked at her reflection in the mirror and was satisfied with what she saw,She walked into the room,reached for her phone and then made her presence known to the huge man on the table by going to stand in front of himDespite the cool room temperature,he was sweating profoundly"What are you doing Mrs Vando??"he asked looked at her up and down"What do you think Boz??"Maria asked going to sit in front of him making sure to open her legs wide enough for him to see everything in between her legsBoz tried hard to remove his eyes from her welcoming pussy which was clearly visible to his eyes
Chapter 165
Chapter 165..........Europe..........Maria had been busy for the last few days,Trying to find a way to trap Boz and have him in the palm of her hands,She was locked up in her bedroom as usual with her new phone in her hands,this was the last string she pulling on Edward,if this wasn't going to work,then she was going to try by all means to find out what he had been up and who cause she would sense her distanceness was because of a womanShe heard a knock at the door and she immediately knew who it was"Am not hungry"she answered back at her maid"Mr vando requires for your presence ma'am"the maid said politely from outside the doorMaria cursed under breath,it seemed she ditasted Mark more these days.She walked out of her room and went to his bedroom"You called for me Mark?"she asked as she closed the door behind her"The elections are around the corner,we will be going for campaigns for the next two weeks ahead"he turned and looked like really looked at her as if he was trying
Chapter 164
Chapter 164........South Africa.........Zara was at the stage still bidding with the other girls,everyone's attention was on her,but Death couldn't help doing quick checks on the johns table,,He wondered where they where,he called fernard over to his table"Has anyone left the casino??,he asked not wanting to sound too interested in the johns or Mrs johns to be preciseFarnerd took a sit at his father's table"The casino is locked father,is anyone missing???"he askedDeath thought for a while before answering,"its the new whites,i can't see them at there table"he answered"Yes,about them,Luis seemed to be soo much interested in them,he even personally called to ask if they where copying well in the Dentist"he explainedDeath wasn't a man of action,at least when he was not angry"Why would Luis want to know the well being of mare members,when i told him about them coming to work for me here,he was soo against the idea,for the first time,i thought he was going to refuse to do what i
Chapter 163
Chapter 163.......Europe......Maria sat in a fancy hotel deep in thought"Madam,you have been looking stressed lately,its not good for you especially in the condition you are in"her personal bodyguard said pretending to care but honestly among all the wives Mark had had before,she was the least he liked"Tell me,how is your problem,you ain't the one who made me pregnant are you,let the man responsible for that worry about that"she said though she wasn't referring to Mark on her last sentenceAll she could think about was Edward was in another woman's arms right now enjoying himself while she sat upsentminded thinking about himShe was going to find a way to find out who he was seeing and see her,that was certain then she was going to leave the old man and marry him,,,how that would make her happy,but how would she do that when his stupid man inform of a bodyguard never left her side to let her carry out her plans,Unless she could get him under her control but how was she going to d
Chapter 162
Chapter 162Mr mark vando sat in his study after his call with ralphHe was satisfied with how things where turning out so far,he felt that for the sake of his daughter,francis was better off deadJust then,his wife maria walked into the room,She wrapped her arms around him,"Honey,i need a favour from you"she said seductivelyOn a typical Tuesday morning,he would have thrown her ass out of the roomBut today,he was happy"Sam called,Francis died a few days ago"he saidNot that he hadn't been aware,he just wanted her to see the reason for his sudden mood"That's,that's sad"she stammered"Its not sad maria,for this is the reason am in this good mood,if i were you i would be thank full"he said eyeing her closly"And yeah,i hope your favour involves you becoming pregnant"he addedMaria,irritated at his words forced a smile,it wasn't like she was barenFor some reason she just couldn't get pregnant for him but now all that was going to change"I want to get pregnant that's why i want us
Chapter 161
Chapter 161HE IS NOW A MAN"What are you trying to do?" She asked as if she hadnt heard what he had said when he was left with his boxer only"Am going to fuck you doll, am going to show you that am now a man, seems like everyone is aware of that except you" he said as he laid on top of her, he spread her legs open while holding her hands on top of her headShe felt goosebumps again when she felt his very hard member against her most sensitive areas, God help her, cause she knew with her slowly losing control of her body, Daniel was going to take her virginity"Do you like this eh?" He asked a question she could not answer, while her mind was screaming a No, her body said was saying Yes. She wanted him with a urge she didn't know she possessed, she wanted him there and then not even minding who he was and what was going to come afterBut then he suddenly let go of her and stood up, she fought with the urge of pulling him back to her so she could feel him against her bodyHe got his c