Chapter 6

Chapter 6



A few minutes after Doctor Adams and Ruth left to attend to other patients, I knew I was not alone,

I looked around the room but I couldn't see anyone.

The atmosphere proved otherwise, I tried to sit up but found that almost impossible to do, my hands and the rest of my body couldn't move no matter how much I tried, suddenly the room became so dark that I couldn't see anything

I suddenly felt something cold holding my cheek, my breath became uneven as I tried to scream,

But again my mouth wouldn't open,

I felt goosebumps all over my body when I was certain that something was holding me down,

'Oh God, help me out' i cried silently, and then I heard it, it was a whisper

"Mummy", I screamed at the top of my voice and this time, my voice came out loud and clear,

The Doctor and a few nurses walked in and held me down as I tried to get out of bed screaming

"Honey, relax, just relax take it easy am here" I could know that voice from anywhere, it was my jimmy

"Am scared, I don't wanna stay here anymore" I whispered to him in tears,

"Don't worry honey, you will be okay and once that happens, we are going to go home okay" he said holding me tightly and kissed my forehead

In the next few minutes, I was laying on the bed feeling a bit calm with jimmy sitting by my side

"Doctor, what's wrong with her" jimmy asked sorry evident in his voice

"I don't know Me Williams, she must be traumatized because of what happened, her blood pressure had raised but now everything is okay" the Doctor responded to him

After the Doctor made sure everything was okay again, he left the room with his nurses leaving me and jimmy alone

"I,, I don't want you to leave me alone, it, it comes when am alone and am sacred, its going to kill me" I cried out to jim

"What is honey, you are scaring me, what is it that's going to kill you?" He asked, I also didnt know what it was but the way I lost control of my body once I was in the room, I knew for certain that it was going to kill me whatever it was

"Don't worry honey, nothing is going to kill you while am here okay"

"Okay" I responded in a low voice.

For the next minute, I had fallen asleep...

I woke up in a different environment, I was in an empty room,

"Hello, Jimmy" I called, but received no response, when I heard something move behind me, I slowly turned around but there was nothing behind me, maybe I imagined that,I thought.

 In a blink of an eye, I found myself standing in front of a tall scary looking woman

"Kelly, welcome to the land of the dead" she said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes, wait did I hear her just write?, she called me by my name and I could swear I had never seen that woman, if she was some sort of a nurse or Doctor, I would have know immediately, but wait, did she just say.....

"Land of the dead, am I dead?" I asked confused

"Not yet" she replied briefly as she turned around

"Follow me" she ordered and I did as I was told

Has I started walking, I noticed I was not walking on any surface but like I was floating in air, this gave me a sense of panic that I could not control

"Where am I, why can't I step on the ground?" I asked farefully

"I told you, you are in the land of the dead", I suddenly felt a hand gripping my left leg tightly and pulling me down

"Aaaaaaaaah" I screamed

"He,,,, help me" I yelled at the woman in front of me but she kept walking as if I hadn't even said anything

"Don't mind them, they probably curious" she said

The hand let me go and then I saw a baby in front of me at a distance where the woman was, I blinked my eyes and suddenly saw almost 100 babies, for some reason, I couldn't see their faces, where did that woman go all of a sudden, but I could think any further, I heard a cry of a baby behind me, I looked behind and saw I was surrounded by babies all crying

"Stop!!!" I yelled as I tried to cover my ears, the sound was deafening and it grow more and more loud,

Just when I thought I could no longer take it, every where become silent, it was sooo silent that I could even hear my own heavy and fast breath

I opened my eyes which had shut and the woman was again standing in front of me

"What, what am I doing here, I , i want to go back to the hospital, I want to go back to my husband" I said in a shaky voice

"Go back you say, but this is only the beginning" she said

"No, no, I want to go home" I cried and closed my eyes wishing everything would disappear the minute I opened them,

This was just a dream, a bad dream I said to myself,

When I opened my eyes again, I was in a hospital, it looked like a delivery room I noted as I saw two women giving birth and a couple of Doctors and nurses attending to them

I stood a few inches from the woman that was giving birth as I looked at her keenly, again for some weird reason, I couldn't make out her face or the faces of the other people in the room.

A cry of a new born baby was suddenly heard and the woman that had delivered the baby passed out,

In front of my eyes, one of the Doctor holding the baby picked up a surgical knife and cut off the bab's head which fell to the ground, this was probably the worst scene I had ever seen

Before I could stop myself, I rushed to the doctor in an attempt to get the baby from him but to my surprise, my hand just passed through like I was invisible or something

"What have you done" I said in more a whisper to no one in particular....

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