“I regretted it! I regretted it terribly! Stealing from the poor…I didn’t know that he would find out and now I am on the run, hopefully I can get away…” I packed all my necessary belongings as fast as I could, sweat beaded on my forehead. Every second counted as I took quick glances at the clock. I sighed in relief, he didn’t find me as yet! I zipped up the backpack and headed for my front door…maybe I would get away with this…maybe I can survive this!
However, as soon as I opened my front door that thought disappeared. About 7 or 8 black cars surrounded my house forming a semi-circle which I could not escape. Men in black suits and dark glasses stood in front of the cars, each one of them held a gun which pointed in my direction. But it wasn’t them that scared me…it was the unarmed man in the middle who made my palms sweaty and the hair in the back on my neck stand on ends! It was him!!! Him, who everyone spoke about…him whose name was whispered in the wind because people were too afraid to say it out loud!!! Him, who had so much blood in his hands yet he was worshipped!!!
He looked calm with his eyes being Egyptian blue, leaning on the bonnet of his Rolls Royce, his hands in the pockets of his long grey coat. It was true what they said about him…he was more handsome than I was with his sharp but perfect features, skin as smooth as porcelain, hair as black as the night sky, he was taller than all the men who stood on either side of him which makes him the most attractive man that this town has ever seen. Along with his looks, he had his stigma attached to him…he successfully built his own business empire and brought in even more wealth to his already wealthy family, let’s not forget about him being a mafia boss as well…as rumors have it he had every powerful man wrapped around his fingers and he plays them like his puppets! Maybe he would let me live, he doesn’t look too upset, but after all, it is him…is he merciful? Merciful? He is the devil who walks this Earth, owning everything that catches his eye and just like that he owns this town. ‘Stermyer’ doesn’t have the police to keep everyone in order…it has the ‘Hunters’, but it is only Austin hunter who can make a person both excited and afraid at the same time. He is like a celebrity…Everyone has heard about him, the girls crave to just get a glance of him, but you would only see him when you are about to die.
Watching me take a step back, his eyes turned from Egyptian blue to sliver with golden flakes which reminds me that apart from a business tycoon, mafia boss, devil who walks this Earth he is also a beast and I don’t mean this in a metaphorical way. He is a literal beast just like everyone else who lives in this town, the only difference with him was that he is our Alpha.
With a swift movement, I ran back inside and locked the door. I heard a loud bang and the next thing I knew was that I was on the floor, the biggest wolf that I had ever seen was standing above me. His fur was a beautiful black color, his eyes glowing gold. He growled in anger and I began to plead. My wolf fought to come out but I kept him in, I knew that we would stand no chance against the powerful Alpha Austin Hunter. I knew it was over now and I deeply regretted the wrongs that I have done…but the thing about him is that he doesn’t forgive anyone!!! With a swipe of his powerful claw, I felt my throat rip opened and I began to fade away as all of my blood oozed out! He stood and watched, proud of the slow and painful death that I was experiencing…
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AUSTIN’S P.O.V“What’s bothering you?” my mother asked, watching as I just played around with my dinner instead of eating it. “Oh nothing, I’m just not very hungry,” I said. “Would you kindly excuse me?” I put my fork down and woke up from my chair. “No Austin! You are my son and I know that something is bothering you. Now you can choose to be stubborn and keep it to yourself or you can share your troubles with your brother and me, relieving yourself a bit. But remember if you choose the former rather than the latter, you wouldn’t be the only one not having dinner tonight but both you and I would be going to sleep on an empty stomach. So you choose Austin…” she said sternly, I chuckled a little seeing how she was treating me like a little child once again. “Mum please” I pleaded with her to leave me alone. “Don’t ‘mum please’ me, just tell me what’s wrong&r
OLIVIA’S P.O.VIt’s a week until my birthday and I am still here. Slowly I am losing sight of hope. I don’t know what to do or how to break free from these chains. There is no one to help me and I myself feel helpless.“Don’t give up Olivia, Austin will come” I heard Alexis say. “How do you know that?” I asked. “I have faith in our mate and you should too” She answered. “I hope that you are right Alexis, if not then you know what needs to happen,” I said, referring to the plan that I discussed with her a few days ago.“Taking to your wolf, are you?” Cariso walked in, catching me off guard. “No, my wolf is too weak to talk. I was talking to myself, maybe soon my insanity levels will reach yours” I said. “How feisty? Just like your mother was” he laughed at me. “You still speak about her, reminiscing over the past? No, Cariso you are living in it. You
AUSTIN’S P.O.V .“The girl is here” Keith said, joining me for breakfast. “Which girl? Where?” I asked, looking at him with the most confused look on my face. “Dawn summers. We spoke about it two days ago!” he said, my half buttered toast in my hand as I looked at him just as confused as I was before he provided me with extra information. “The girl who said that she was Olivia’s best friend and wants to help us find her! The girl that wanted to come and stay at Stermyer! The girl that you were so suspicious about! The one that you think is either working for dad or Cariso” Keith half shouted in frustration. “Oh that girl. The one that called you” I suddenly remembered . “Yesss!!! That one! Oh my word Austin, what is going on with you?” Keith asked. “Er, not much except that my elder brother hates me and my mate got so scared of me that she ran away and then possibly got kidna
OLIVIA’S P.O.V“Good morning Olivia, guess what… I have your test results” Cariso said, gleaming in front of the bed that I was tied up on. I remained quite as he pulled out a page from a brown A4 envelope. “Hmmmm, that is very interesting” his eyebrows creased as read the results. “Well, Congratulations Olivia. It says here that you are pregnant!!! Oh my word, this is such great news!!! In fact this is the best news that I have got today!!!” he did a little psycho happy dance. “Why are you so happy?” I asked, confused about how my pregnancy would affect him, besides the fact that the situation got more delicate. “Wait! You don’t look as excited as I am! You knew about this didn’t you? You knew this whole time and that is why you didn’t want the doctor here! So tell me, my dear darling Olivia, who is the father?” he asked, a big smile still on his face, he seemed proud of himself as if