Chapter LXXXII

The following morning, as Jonas and David were getting ready to go to the precinct, he got a call from Jessica. Before picking the call, he was very worried of what awaited them at the other end of the line. He gathered his courage and picked it up. Contrary to his expectation, she was very okay. She was just informing him that, she had just boarded the taxi he had sent to pick her up at the airport.

That sentence stripped away any good news the phone call was meant to bring them. David had no reason to ask about her meeting Jonas the previous day. It was crystal; Jonas had met with just another one of Clairvoyant’s clones. What he could not comprehend was why the Clairvoyant would have Jonas meet a fake mother. Without much ado, he asked her of where she was headed and warned that she was being set up for something.

Jessica claimed to be headed to Hotel Tronic. He then called the rest of the team informing them of the situation and requesting them to meet at Hot

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