Chapter LXXXV

A while later at the precinct, Meake got a call from KCTRH. It was the senior doctor calling. Meake suspected the call had something to do with the rescued victims from the CIBSC Black sight. He was very right. The doctor was calling to give a report on how the patients were doing. Moreover, the report was not as important as what he had to say next.

He requested the captain to send someone from the task force to the hospital. This was because, contrary to the patients responding well to treatment and gaining most of their memories back, they seemed to speak in tongues in the sense that, not even one doctor understood what it is they were talking about. The doctor did not explain much to the captain claiming that the representatives would give him a better explanation of the situation.

The captain went forth to share it with the team and tasked detective Jean and agent Claire with visiting the hospital. They were best suited for the task. They had proved to be very res

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