Chapter LXXX

A few hours later, Paul drove to her place and picked her up for the dinner. They then headed to the Canon Hotel, which was one of the best for such an occasion around town. As they were busy talking, they heard police sirens approaching. In a short while, the vehicles halted at the front gate of the hotel.

Several CIBSC agents stepped out quickly and headed towards them. Before they could ask of what was happening, Jean was arrested and taken away. Paul was set aback by the act but could do nothing other than just head back to the precinct to find out more about the reason for her arrest. He did not have the best gift in life after all. The dinner he so much looked forward to having with Jean was unceremoniously cut short.

To his surprise, it was not only Jean that was arrested that night but almost every other member of the task force except for Jonas, Matthew and of course Peterson who was away. He could do nothing more to help them and had to wait until the next mo

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